VIDEO – She has just left her position as director within the institution, speaking in an interview for the local media I love Dijon in which she takes the heat off the other beauty queens.
Cindy Fabre lives and works in Dijon. She therefore very logically gave an interview to the local media I love Dijon in which she discusses her departure from the Company Miss France . This Wednesday, January 22, in a press release, the institution announced that “the Miss France Company and Cindy Fabre decide to end, by mutual agreement, their collaboration”.
In August 2022, eighteen years after her coronation, she was called by Alexia Laroche-Joubert, then general director of the Miss France Society, to prepare for the departure of Sylvie Tellier. However, she did not have exactly the same responsibilities as the former boss of the institution. She had thus taken the reins of a new position entitled “director of the national competition”.
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“I fulfilled my missions, I carried out some very good projects”
Cindy Fabre
Less than three years after her arrival, Cindy Fabre is stopping her collaboration as she confided in a message on Instagram. “It is with great emotion that I announce the end of my collaboration with the Miss France Society, after three intense and incredibly enriching years. I put all my energy and passion into this adventure, with the sincere desire to contribute to the evolution of the competition while preserving its identity and values. I would have loved to continue carrying out this mission that is so close to my heart, but sometimes, life invites us to rewrite our path”she wrote.
This Thursday, January 23, Cindy Fabre wanted to go further by granting an interview to the media I love Dijon. She first returned to her departure. “I had three exceptional years, it was a crazy opportunity that I couldn’t refuse and I had a blast”she began before explaining the reasons. “I fulfilled my missions, I carried out some very good projects. All the ideas I had for developing this competition, I submitted them so, quite naturally, we took stock and it was time to continue to let the Miss France society evolve but with a slightly more different look and with hindsight. »
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“They came to get me because I was a hard worker and I worked in the shadows”
Cindy Fabre
She then explained what her missions had been within the Miss France Society through her position as director of the national competition. “Was your goal more to stay in the shadows and instead highlight the Miss? “, asked Quentin Scavardo, the journalist in charge of the interview. The opportunity for Miss France 2004 to dot the “i”.
“That’s why people came to look for me because I have always defended the fact that there is no eternal Miss, that Miss France had to shine during her yearshe explains. I insist, they came to get me because I was a hard worker and I worked in the shadows. Of course, the function means that you have to be in the light and this is what I was often criticized for: “But we don’t see Cindy Fabre, but she wasn’t doing anything…” Of course I did and it is better that I do it in the shadows to be effective rather than only doing representation. »
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“When you see that people on the other side don’t hesitate to criticize me, I find it a shame…”
Later in the interview, the young man asks her about her best memory and her worst memory as Miss France and director of the competition. If her best memory remains the contact with people and the welcome they gave her at each of her appearances, the worst concerns the former Miss France. “The worst memory is being attacked by your colleagues. We’re in a family, we can’t get along with everyone. But is it necessary to shout it from the rooftops? When we have a problem, we pick up the phone and we say what we have to say”.
“Have you suffered attacks from certain Misses? »then asks the journalist again. “Yes, where, precisely, I had to find my place in taking office. Of course it’s complicated to go after Sylvie Tellier and Geneviève de Fontenay but my objective was to bring together, to defend all the Misses. And, when you see that on the side, people don’t hesitate to criticize me, I find it a shame…”.