This is not a widely known detail, but Philippe-Vincent Foisy, columnist at Hi Helloshares his life with a personality recognized by the general public!
Since 2023, Philippe-Vincent Foisy has presented the news every morning, taking over from Georges Pothier, a former colleague who is now a finance collaborator.
However, since January 6, Andy St-André has been covering major news and breaking news. This temporary transition is explained by the fact that Philippe-Vincent currently occupies another role: he replaces his colleague Julie Marcoux at the helm of TVA Midiin the offices located one floor higher.
Although it is less present, it does not completely disappear from the news. At each major event, he shares his relevant analysis at 7:45 a.m., a morning meeting always very popular with the public.
Philippe-Vincent Foisy therefore hosts the show TVA Midi replacing her colleague Julie Marcoux.
-In his personal life, Philippe-Vincent shares his life with Michelle Lamarche, whom viewers were able to see for several years on LCN.
The two make a wonderful couple!
The columnist and analyst as well as the former journalist and producer at the TVA Group have been a couple for several years.