It’s a cult Saturday evening show on France 2. “What an era!” has been on the air since September 24, 2022. At his head, Léa Salame. The 45-year-old journalist is accompanied by Christophe Dechavanne, Philippe Caverivière but also Paul de Saint Sernin. During this meeting, several guests come to talk about current affairs or to promote an album, a film, a book or even a show. This January 4, for the premiere of 2025the quartet welcomed around the table: JeniferMiss France 2025 Angélique Anarni-Filopon, Jacques Weber and the Tiktoker and speleologist Valentin Noyon. But before them, it is a trio of comedians who got the ball rolling.
Indeed, Arnaud Tsamère, Bapstiste Lecaplain and Jérémy Ferrari came to talk about their show entitled The trio’s tour. This will begin on January 8 in Toulon in the Var. Forty dates are announced, including three at the Zénith in Paris next June. And while the show has not yet started, it is already a success since 300,000 places have already been sold and some rooms are already “full”. This show will evoke, in particular, their complicity, the children of Baptiste Lecaplain or even the divorce from Arnaud Tsamère.
“But it’s horrible” then launches Nicolas Demorand’s sidekick on France Inter adding “it’s a disaster your private life“. A little sentence that will amuse the entire audience as well as the guests around the table including Jenifer. It was then that the comedian tried to pick up the thread and talk about this separation.
Léa Salamé tackles Arnaud Tsamère: what is the comedian’s private life?
Concerning women, despite the shock statement from Léa SalaméArnaud Tsamère really has nothing to be ashamed of. Indeed, in 2015, he married racing driver Margot Laffitedaughter of pilot Jacques Laffite. Both are the parents of a little boy named Albert and born February 4, 2015. Finally, In 2017, the couple will decide to divorce. The almost 50-year-old comedian (he will have them on March 11, editor’s note) therefore married and divorced only once.
Concerning women, if he is amused by the situation of his accomplice, Baptiste Lecaplain also experienced ups and downs. Moreover, on December 1, in “A Sunday in the Country” on France 2, he revealed to Frédéric Lopez having cheated on his partner . “I had a double life for three months and when I decided to stop with my “mistress”, she (his wife, editor’s note) finds out the next day and she leaves me“. Everything will end well since his girlfriend will eventually forgive him and, together, they will have a second child.