The film “It Ends with Us” (2024), based on an eponymous short story on the theme of domestic violence, is at the heart of a new controversy, fueled by the serious accusations made against each other by the two co-stars, Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively. The latter decided to file a complaint against her on-screen partner.
The actress claims she suffered sexual harassment from him during filming. Justin Baldoni, also director of the film, would have alluded on several occasions to details of the private life of the actress, indicates The Guardian. According to the complaint, Blake Lively refused to film additional nude scenes. In addition, he allegedly “coordinated a campaign” to destroy the actress’ reputation.
The interpreter of Serena in the series “Gossip Girl” enjoyed good popularity with the public before the promotion of the film. But the plan Baldoni was allegedly involved in, according to the complaint, included spreading false theories online, as well as organizing a social media campaign and publishing negative news articles about the actress. 37 years old.
It must be said that since the film's release in August 2024, criticisms and observations on both the form of the film and its promotion have fueled the tabloid press. Between the absence of director Justin Baldoni during promotion and harsh articles towards Blake Lively, accused of morally harassing her teams.
The American has, in turn, been described as a bully (editor's note: tyrant, harasser in French), authoritarian, a personality disconnected from reality, or even ignorant about the treatment of domestic violence, interested only in the promotion of its brand of hair products. On social networks, fans felt that she had revealed “her true face”.
Justin Baldoni has rejected, through his lawyer, Blake Lively's accusations. For the director, it is only a strategy to divert attention from the actress' behavior on set. He claimed “to have had to hire a crisis manager in the face of threats from the actress”, indicates The Guardian.
A trial should take place.
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