Arnaud Tsamère announces that he has been in a relationship for more than “four months”

Arnaud Tsamère announces that he has been in a relationship for more than “four months”
Arnaud Tsamère announces that he has been in a relationship for more than “four months”

This Saturday, December 14, Nathalie Renoux received Arnaud Tsamère, Baptiste Lecaplain as well as Jérémy Ferrari in The Unexpected Journal at the RTL microphone. The comedian made some confidences about his love life.

Friends on stage and in life, Arnaud Tsamère can count on the support of Baptiste Lecaplain and Jérémy Ferrari. Together, the three comedians will travel across with The Trio Tour. Guests all three in The Unexpected Journal on RTL this Saturday, December 14, they shared some secrets about their friendship. “He's the one who saved me (Jérémy Ferrari, editor's note). I'm lucky to have two friends who show me their friendship in different ways, but in a very strong and sincere way. It's a chance “explained Arnaud Tsamère. Before continuing: “I failed in my love life, but I have a very successful friendship life.” Indeed, the 49-year-old actor has confided on several occasions that he experienced a complicated divorce in 2017 – his second marriage – with Margot Laffite, driver and motorsport journalist.

Arnaud Tsamère announces that he has found love again

Since his divorce from the famous journalist who travels the Formula 1 circuits, Arnaud Tsamère has gone through a complicated love affair. A difficult period that he did not hesitate to evoke under the cover of humor in his one-man shows like Two weddings and a funeral. Seven years after his separation from the mother of his son Albert, he announces that he has finally found love again: “My love life has always made my two comrades laugh (…) But here I want to say, Nathalie, that I have been with someone for four months. An exclusive confidence which even surprised his friend Jérémy Ferrari, who was not aware of the details of his friend's new story! “Now he seems to have met someone good, fingers crossedreacted Jérémy Ferrari, surprised, but happy for his friend.

Arnaud Tsamère confides in his depression

Shortly after his divorce, Arnaud Tsamère had to mourn his father, who died in 2019 from cancer. Difficult events to overcome which pushed the actor to fall into depression. “I was in a depressive phase, I had nothing left to give. I felt empty, sad”he confided in the columns of The Parisian. A depression which almost made him abandon the stage. Last November, he spoke on the set of C to you. “You mentioned that humor and the stage had done you good. How can we calm neuroses with the stage?”Mohamed Bouhafsi asked him. “Um, it's a bit of a quick shortcut but it allowed me not to abandon the profession, to talk about that in a new show. If I hadn't done that, I would have stopped because I didn't “I was more able to make people laugh and write funny things, so I had to use this material of depression to do it”he replied.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.




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