Michael Jackson: here is the story of “Thriller”, the greatest music video of all time!

Michael Jackson: here is the story of “Thriller”, the greatest music video of all time!
Michael Jackson: here is the story of “Thriller”, the greatest music video of all time!

More than a music video, Thriller disrupted visual codes by combining music, dance and cinema. A look back at a cult short film which continues to influence artists and directors almost 40 years after its release.

This is arguably the greatest music video of all timeif not perhaps having traumatized you as a child. THE December 2, 1983, MTV broadcasts for the first time the clip of Thrilleran event that marks a turning point in the history of music and video. Directed by John Landisfamous for Les Blues Brothers et The Werewolf of Londonce short film 13 minutes doesn't just put on a song. Michael Jackson, then at the peak of his career with the album Thrillerwanted to push the limits of the traditional clip to offer a real experience cinematographic. At the time, music videos were often simple recordings artists singing in playback. With ThrillerMichael Jackson aims to combine the world of music and cinema by integrating a story, characters and a careful visual aesthetic. “He introduced cinematic ambition into pop!”explains Olivier Cachin to Parisianmusic journalist and author of Michael Jackson: Musical Metamorphoses at GM éditions. An ambition which, according to him, made it possible to make evolve the clips into artistic works in their own right.

When the making-of saves

Producing such a short film represents a challenge colossal in the 1980s. The budget initially estimated at 900 000 dollars is considered disproportionate by CBSMichael Jackson's record label. A budget out of reach which was already the most expensive music video in historywhile the single, upon its release, had never previously ranked in the top of the charts. charts. To convince its distributor, a daring idea was proposed: filming a behind-the-scenes documentary on filming and sell it to channels like MTV. Thanks to this making-of, Making Michael Jackson’s Thrillerthe project is funded, making it possible to hire experts like Rick Bakermakeup artist specializing in special effects. Michael Jackson himself puts his hand in his pocket, investing $150,000 of his own money to carry out this project. This determination reflects his vision: Thriller is not just a clip, but a film, a concept. The end result exceeds all expectations, revolutionizing the standards of the music industry.

Making-of of the Thriller music video – Michael Jackson

To embody the fantastic universe of ThrillerJohn Landis and his team rely on codes borrowed from horror films. The clip begins with a spectacular transformation where Michael Jackson becomes a werewolf, before being joined by a horde of zombies in a dance that has become iconic. The choreographer Michael Petersalready known for his work on Beat Itdesigns a sequence of incredible precision, carried by the talents of Jackson and a group of dancers. These movements, performed in perfect synchronization, are now repeated throughout the world. As for costumes, the red leather jacket worn by Michael Jackson becomes a symbol. Sold at auction in 2011 for $1.8 millionit demonstrates the visual impact of the clip. As for Ola Raymodel and actress, she plays the role of the partner of the King of Pop, bringing a touch of fragility and panic to this dark world.

Jehovah’s Witness + zombies: bad calculation…

A few weeks before its release, Thriller almost never saw the light of day. Michael Jackson, Jehovah's Witness at the time, suffered a strong pressure of his congregation, who accuses the clip of promote occultism. Transformations into monsters, resurrections of zombies: these elements are considered contrary to the singer's beliefs. In panic, Michael Jackson asks his lawyer to destroy all copies. Fortunately, John Branca convinces him to keep the project by adding a warning at the beginning of the clip: “Due to my strong personal beliefs, I would like to clarify that this film in no way represents a belief in the occult sciences”. This addition saves the clip and eases tensions.

When it was first broadcast, Thriller arouses a craze unpublished. MTVa still young channel, sees its audiences explode each time the clip is broadcast. The public, fascinated by this hybrid work, flocks to see it again. In the absence of internet, millions of calls saturate the channel's telephone lines to request more passages. This frenzy extends beyond television: the making-of is sold at 9.5 million copiescontributing to the development of VHS. This success also translates into prestigious awards. In 2009, Thriller becomes the first music video registered in the National Film Registry from the Library of Congress for its importance “cultural, historical and aesthetic”. With more1 billion views on YouTubethere remains one world reference.


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