Ayem takes up the pen in All those that I amhis autobiography released a month ago. The former reality TV candidate turned host confides in particular about a tormented chapter in her life, marked by violent criticism of her postpartum body.
Almost fourteen years (already) that she has been known… Ayem made the history of reality TV by participating in the fifth season of Secret Story. Became viral thanks to her play on words to introduce herself to other candidates – “I am enchanted” –the young woman wins the hearts of viewers despite her defeat in the strategy show. Building on her popularity, she multiplies magazine covers peopleobtained a role as an actress then as a host on NRJ 12. A channel that trusted her for seven years. But this high media exposure has not completely benefited this businesswoman, as she confides in All those that I amhis autobiography released last month.
Ayem talks about the relationship she had with her body after her pregnancy
When Ayem became pregnant in 2015, the ex-candidate was on the rise professionally and still closely scrutinized by the press. Both sides then relay the weight gain that the Lyonnaise experienced very badly… “I know what it feels like when you look in the mirror and don’t recognize the person you see there. Having to carry a body that you can no longer stand. Being ashamed of yourself, of him, even though he gave life (…) this body that I loved so much”she confides in the pages of her novel published by Leduc. Concerned about her image, the former presenter of Mad Mag made his appearance his “best friend” in the industry. She clearly admits: “He and I teamed up to seduce these men who always end up betraying us. He participated in my beautyto this attraction which made me an object of desire”. However, after the birth of her son, a drastic change took place both in the way people looked at her and in her inner self.
Ayem discusses the consequences of incessant criticism of her weight gain
“I didn't recognize myself (…) everything was painful. I no longer belonged to myself. My silhouette, this ally, my business card, was the first reflection of that”declares the thirty-year-old. Ayem explains that she took refuge in food because of the criticism of her new races. “I was full of anxiety, food had become my refuge“she admits. Upon her return to the air alongside Matthieu Delormeau, the host tries to keep a good face despite the ignominies received. “I had to show what I had been hiding for a long time (…) my body has endured so much nastiness that it remembers it as if it were yesterday“writes Ayvin's mother, now proud of herself.