This French actress signing Sunday December 8 in this shopping center in Oise

This French actress signing Sunday December 8 in this shopping center in Oise
This French actress signing Sunday December 8 in this shopping center in Oise

This Sunday, December 8, the immensely popular actress and novelist, Laetitia Milot, will be present from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Carrefour shopping center in Saint-Maximin for a signing and photo session. The opportunity for Bonhomme Picard to retrace his journey with her and to sweep away some very busy news.

To begin with, the general public knows you mainly through your different characters on (Mélanie Rinato in Plus Belle La Vie or Angélique Raynaud in Demain Nous Belongs), but who is Laetitia Milot?

So, I am above all a French actress, also a novelist and recently a TV presenter (laughs).

All this must make for very busy days. How do you manage them?

It's true that I'm an active woman who has many things to do, but I think I'm like many of us… We talk about my job, because I'm in the light, but lots of other people work, then take care of their children, while managing their passions. And, in the end, we are all overbooked.

An acting career that she never imagined…

When you were little, did you imagine yourself having such a career?

Never in life. Since I was little, I had been heading towards dance and I saw myself ending up as a prima ballerina or a classical dance teacher… so suffice to say that I was far from imagining this career plan.

Exactly, what was the turning point/turning point?

It happened around 18 years old. At the time, I was dancing a lot, around 4 to 5 hours a day, and I had reached a certain level of weariness. However, I wanted to maintain this link with the stage and the public, which is why I went into theater. For me, it was a bit like dancing, you play with your body, with your emotions, except that you add your voice as well (laughs).

From there, you will experience a meteoric rise. How do you explain it?

You know, theater is a complicated and very tough environment. Many doors were closed to me, there was despair and I even came to wonder if I was cut out for this profession. I was lucky to have good support during this period, and through persistence it finally paid off. The lesson I learn from this is that you have to give yourself the means, go for it and not be afraid. But above all, you have to follow your dreams, whatever they may be.

“Writing does me a lot of good”

At the same time, you have published numerous books. What does writing bring you?

Writing does me a lot of good, because we put down the words. Moreover, in my family diary “Here, happiness is homemade”, I offer this possibility to everyone to do it. Writing is a great therapy because a lot of things come through it and over time it even ended up becoming an addiction.

You have just published your first children's story, Lili and the Magic Tree. How did the idea come to you?

It all came from my daughter, Lyana. She has been used to hearing stories since she was very young, because since she was one day old, I have made sure to tell her a different one every evening. I think I passed this passion on to him. Then, at the age of 6, she is a little girl who is very touched by the planet, the protection and respect for the environment, for nature… She then said to me “Why not write a story on a tree, but one that would be like a tree of life.” Besides, it could also have been called “the tree of life.”

In any case, there is a magnificent moral, and perhaps a message of hope, because it could well be the young people who will succeed in changing things.

Finally, you will be in Saint-Maximin this Sunday for a signing session where you will meet your fans. How are you approaching this meeting?

Yes and I am very happy to come to Oise, because it will be a first for me. These are special moments that I really care about. Meeting my audience brings me a lot. Generally, I often leave with tears in my eyes, because people take the opportunity to talk to me about a whole bunch of subjects, such as endometriosis, my films, my writings… They also confide in me and it's really touching . However, with the release of the story, I think that the greatest gift of all is seeing all these little eyes shine, because they have the story in their hands… It's worth all the gold in the world.

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