“Very intense pain”: Jenifer reveals having experienced several spontaneous terminations of pregnancy

“Very intense pain”: Jenifer reveals having experienced several spontaneous terminations of pregnancy
“Very intense pain”: Jenifer reveals having experienced several spontaneous terminations of pregnancy

We only know about the lives of stars what they are willing to show us. Jenifer is the mother of three boys: she first had a child named Aaron (21 years old) with Maxim Nucci, then she gave birth to Joseph (10 years old), whose father is Thierry Neuvic. Finally, with Ambroise Fieschi, she had her third son, Juvanni (3 and a half years old). She is very secretive about them, and about her private life in general. She has just mentioned something she had never spoken about: she has experienced several spontaneous terminations of pregnancies.

Jenifer reveals having experienced spontaneous terminations of pregnancy

Jenifer was a guest on Inter on Friday November 29, 2024, and spoke about songs that are particularly close to her heart. She spoke with great emotion about the song “Tears in Heaven” by Eric Clapton. In this title, the British singer recounts his pain following the death of his son Conor, who fell from a window of a New York apartment located on the 53rd floor when he was 4 years old. “It's a subject that I understood later, and even more when I became a mother. I have three sons. I dared to imagine putting myself in his place if I lost one of my children. Is it that I would manage to survive? I don't know?she explains.

The singer goes on to explain that she continues to listen to this track regularly to “externalize pain” et “accompany the sorrow”. “In a way, it served as an outlet for certain things that I have experienced. It is very intimate what I am going to say, but I have already experienced, for example, miscarriages. By listening This song made me feel like I had lost a loved one.”says Jenifer, before adding: “Sometimes it comes back to me, it was very intense pain. The song has this power to console me. Ultimately, there is something more terrible than what I experienced. It allows me to find myself again, to not forget”.

Jenifer wrote a song about her natural termination of pregnancy

At the microphone of France Inter, Jenifer explains that she wrote a song about the spontaneous terminations of pregnancies that she experienced. But she can't share it. “I never managed to sing it”she confides. In case she ever gets there, she keeps it aside: “It’s a subject that touches a lot of women. Would I one day have the strength to sing it? It’s stored away carefully.”

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