Michael Schumacher: his bodyguard tries to extort 15 million euros from his family in exchange for banned photos

Michael Schumacher: his bodyguard tries to extort 15 million euros from his family in exchange for banned photos
Michael Schumacher: his bodyguard tries to extort 15 million euros from his family in exchange for banned photos

Seven-time Formula 1 world champion Michael Schumacher has not been seen in public since 2013. He was indeed a victim of a terrible skiing accident which left him seriously disabled. The German now requires round-the-clock care. The star's wife, Corinna, fiercely protects her husband's privacy and manages all of his medical care.

An alleged blackmail aimed at extorting 15 million euros has just been revealed. A former bodyguard of the legend has indeed threatened to publish very personal photos on the dark web. Since his accident, the mystery has remained over the state of health of the former pilot. Many rumors persist and the lack of communication only fuels curiosity.

The plot hatched by Michael Schumacher's bodyguard

The star's bodyguard, Markus Fritsche, was recruited 18 months before the skiing accident. He was one of the men that Corinna Schumacher brought into the family's circle of trust. He was there for help take care of the former Formula 1 driver. For eight years, the Schumacher clan had no doubt about the loyalty of this 53-year-old man. He was granted unique access to all the most intimate aspects of the pilot's medical procedures. But when Markus Fritsche has learned that he is going to be fired. He set up blackmail in order to take revenge for this decision which he considered unfair.

According to prosecutors in the case, Markus Fritsche recruited his longtime friend Yilmaz Tozturkan and his son, an IT expert. They were supposed to help him extort a huge sum to the family who had employed him. At the heart of this conspiracy were no less than 1,500 images and 200 videos of Michael Schumacher. He also had access to numerous medical records. All of these ultra-sensitive files were contained on four USB keys and two hard drives.

The three men awaiting trial

The three men then allegedly made contact with the Schumacher family. They would have threatened them to distribute these files on the dark web if they did not receive a ransom amounting to 15 million euros. On the morning of June 3, Yilmaz Tozturkan therefore called the family to say that he was in possession of photos and videos. His son then allegedly sent four images to the Schumacher residence on June 11 and told the family that she was “one month old” to find the 15 million euros.

The exchange had to take place in the office of the Schumacher family lawyer. A week later, on June 19, Tozturkan and his son were finally arrested by German police after being placed under surveillance. Fritche and Tozturkan are accused of extortion, while the second's son is accused of complicity in extortion. Prosecutors claim a sentence of at least four years in prison. But because of the amount demanded, they could face longer sentences if convicted.

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