Patrick Stewart details domestic abuse he suffered as a child

Patrick Stewart details domestic abuse he suffered as a child
Patrick Stewart details domestic abuse he suffered as a child

Patrick Stewart was kind enough to open up about his traumatic childhood for the purposes of a program dedicated to Queen Camilla and her fight against domestic violence. It was at the age of six, when his father returned after the Second World War, that hell began for the actor who is now 83. “He screamed so loudly, he had a voice huge,” confided the star of Star Trek au Times.

Violence which quickly translated into beatings against his mother.

“I screamed at my father to stop when he hit her, over and over again,” recalled the actor who, with his brother Trevor, had organized to protect their mother.

The broken childhood of a great actor

“We sat on the stairs that led to the bedrooms, just behind the living room door,” Patrick Stewart continued. “We became experts at understanding where the screams were going to lead and we always knew when the violence was going to start. » At that moment, the two brothers rushed into the room and Trevor, who was taller, stepped between their father and mother who shouted at them not to get involved. A trauma that Patrick Stewart kept to himself for a long time.

“Domestic violence was something we never talked about. So I never told anyone about it. I kept everything inside me. It was locked inside, and I felt shame,” he concluded.



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