“I lost custody”, Mallaury Nataf honest about his relationships with his children after being homeless

“I lost custody”, Mallaury Nataf honest about his relationships with his children after being homeless

Mallaury Nataf, iconic actress of the 90sknown for her role in Honey and beeshas been through a lot in recent years. She literally went through a descent into hell and found herself homeless and without contact with their children.

Today, she seems to have recovered and the news is encouragingeven if it is still far from being won, especially at the level of her children. Invited on the set of Don’t touch my post This Friday, September 13, she delivered honestly about his past and his new daily.

Mallaury Nataf tries to recreate a relationship with his children

The road to rebuilding was not without pitfalls, but the good news is that Mallaury Nataf is finally out of the street thanks to the help of her father. The actress revealed that she had found a place to live: “I’ve been here for a year and a half housed in the MaraisI have a beautiful little studio of 20m² and I am happy there.”

Philosophically, she emphasizes everything she has learned during his difficult times. “I learned by being outside, with nothing, having the bare minimum, being destitute. We learn who we arewhat a human being is, society, what the other is.”she confides in TPMP.

The bad news is about his children, because the situation remains complexShe explains: “I have my oldest son over from time to time. I lost custody of my children, but now they are grown up, my oldest son is 26.” She is determined to rebuilding a beautiful relationship with your childrenbut also to take on professional challenges. However, the world of work is struggling to accommodate it.

The actress is having trouble landing new roles

If on the personal side, things are improving for Mallaury Nataf, the Returning to work is not easy. Despite musical projectsshe confides that she has not managed to find new missions. “The profession is afraid to hire me, given my course which is very rock’n’rollbecause I have the background of a broken woman, of a woman who has been tormented…”she explains to Cyril Hanouna.

But after what she has experienced, Mallaury Nataf does not count not giving up anytime soon. She is an eternal optimist as she points out. So, are we going to open the doors for her so that she can definitely to put an end to this period of his life ? Even if the road is still long, she is on the right track.


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