Brigitte Bardot unfiltered on her solitude: “I spent dark and hard years”

Brigitte Bardot unfiltered on her solitude: “I spent dark and hard years”
Brigitte Bardot unfiltered on her solitude: “I spent dark and hard years”

“My life is an enigma. Unpredictable, full of ups and downs. I accept it and embrace it.” These words from Brigitte Bardot come from the magazine Paris Matchwho devoted a special issue to him Bardot, the private album of an icon, released this Friday, June 28. Inside, the icon of French cinema, aged 89, spoke in a long interview about her life, her loves, her career, her fight for animals, but also the more difficult moments, notably when she chose to draw a line under the seventh art.

Between his decision to stop touring and the creation of his foundation, several years passed. Difficult years and sources of great solitude, as the one who recently released an album revealed to Christian Brincourt, his friend for years. “I’ve had some dark and hard years. Alone, I’ve had to deal with breast cancer, gloomy birthdays, tearful Christmases…”confided the one who very rarely sees her great-grandchildren, even revealing an anecdote, which shows her discomfort at the time: “I even remember offering a ‘friend’ money to come and keep me company in Basoche. I couldn’t take it anymore. And then I met Bernard [d’Ormale, avec qui elle s’est mariée en 1992].”

PHOTOS – Brigitte Bardot: her unforgettable hairstyles

Brigitte Bardot, cash on the cinema

Became an icon of French cinema after her appearance in God… created woman In 1956, Brigitte Bardot decided to leave the seventh art in 1973. Her last film will remain The very good and very joyful story of Colinot shirt-case by Nina Companeez. Afterwards, tired of this world, she withdrew. From that moment on, she did not mince her words with her friend: “I arrived in the cinema at the right time, sweeping aside all the prohibitions, and I left it at the right time when it fell apart and became pathetic.” She has just agreed to talk about how she saw herself on screen during this period: “All that is far away! Even if I was not an actress at heart, I was still a good actress, because I lived what I interpreted intensely”she said. Idolized around the world, Brigitte Bardot revealed that, if it honored her, it did not do her any favors “no joy of living when[elle est ]sad”. The one who has had fragile health in recent months has, at least, not lost her frankness!

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: JLPPA / Bestimage



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