Paul Piché’s childhood in poverty and his visceral fear of losing his mother

Paul Piché was a guest on the show To take awayled by the great Beaudoinwhere several aspects of his life were discussed.

The one who left his mark on the world of music made a few confidences, including one which turned out to be particularly touching. It was when France recalled Paul’s childhood, speaking of a poignant memory of his mother who had wanted to buy him a guitar, but who was unable to do so due to her finances, that emotions began to flare. revealed.


He began by saying that his mother and father had had serious health problems and, since at the time health care was not covered, his parents had to go into debt. His father often turned down the heat in the house, plus the family had nothing to eat.

“We were freezing, you understand. That meant we had nothing left to eat in the house. My parents told me: If you can get something somewhere, go for it.», confides Paulwhose parents invited him to go to his friends’ houses for food.


This is how he returned to the story of the guitar that his mother was unable to buy him…

“They did everything to get out of this misery (…) So, at one point, my mother… heythere, you’re going to make me cry… we leave and there, she takes me to buy a guitar for my party, but there, she sees the prices and she starts to cry”, says the talented author- composer-performer, visibly moved by this memory.


It was later that he returned to the death of his mother and confided in the constant fear he had at the time, that of losing her at any moment. It was finally when his mother left him that part of his anxieties disappeared.

“It’s because I spent my life being afraid that she would die because she had been sick in my childhood… and so she had cancer, she had lung problems and all that (…) So, I remember arriving at our house and then I was afraid that the ambulance would be there (…) She finally died at 80 years old. So she still lived her life well. Then, not long before she died, in the hospital, she gave me a little smile, a calm smile (…),” Paul testifies with great love for the woman who gave him life.


He ends by mentioning that following her death, it took him a long time to mourn her properly, a year, initially crying for her, not for himself.



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