“I had a wonderful pregnancy…” Denitsa Ikonomova (Disappearance worrying) makes tender confidences about her future baby

While she plays a pregnant woman in Disturbing disappearance this Monday, October 7 on 2, Denitsa Ikonomova made some confidences to Télé-Loisirs about her pregnancy, which is coming to an end…

Rarely has fiction been so closely aligned with reality! In the new episode of Disturbing disappearance broadcast this Monday, October 7 on France 2 (our opinion), Denitsa Ikonomova plays a pregnant woman. But it was after starting filming this fiction that the latter learned that she was expecting her first child, the fruit of her love with François Alu! An astonishing and touching coincidence, which inevitably makes you smile. Questioned by Télé-Loisirs, the future mother returned to this happy coincidence, and also told us some secrets about her pregnancy, she who should give birth next November.

I had a wonderful pregnancy…” Denitsa Ikonomova (Disturbing disappearance) makes tender confidences about her future baby

Everything is fine, I had a wonderful pregnancy” she explained to us. “I haven’t been sick, I was able to do everything I planned, finish all my projects and even dance last week. It must be said that I am rather active and very attentive to my body. I was very lucky to be in such good shape. Which didn’t necessarily help me realize that I was going to have a child!” she says with a smile. However, before long, the couple will welcome their first baby, but don’t count on this ball of energy to slow down just yet. Denitsa Ikonomova is teeming with projects, even if she intends to take advantage of this motherhood.

I know myself, I’m not sure I want to stay at home for very long!” says Denitsa Ikonomova about her maternity leave

So, when asked if she plans to take a break, she replies: “Of course, I planned to rest and spend time with him to experience this adventure 100% at the beginning. But I know myself, I’m not sure I want to stay at home for very long. If the baby allows us, with his dad, we will resume our activities very quickly.“And to unfold his projects:”On December 3, I am organizing a gala for the benefit of an association for animal welfare and then, in 2025, there is the musical comedy about , Bonne Nouvelle – like the metro station – which we put on with my troop, with a date at the Palais des Sports in March.“A show for which she is the choreographer and for which she will dance…but not only that! “Potentially, I might sing too!” Finally, Denitsa Ikonomova confides to us: “I also created a company related to ecology which will see the light of day in 2025. A theme which takes on even more meaning with the arrival of my child.“A particularly rich year 2025 awaits!



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