After falling in love with Arnaud Clément, Nolwenn Leroy says, “It’s a…

After falling in love with Arnaud Clément, Nolwenn Leroy says, “It’s a…
After falling in love with Arnaud Clément, Nolwenn Leroy says, “It’s a…

By Earth Cousteau

– Published on Sep 29, 2024 at 8:30 p.m.

Already the mother of a little boy, born from her romance with Arnaud Clément, Nolwenn Leroy dreams of expanding her family with a second child, whether girl or boy. This desire reminds us of a memorable moment when the singer spoke about her thoughts on the couple in an interview with “S le magazine de Sophie Davant”.

Nolwenn Leroy never loses direction, even when it comes to the roller coaster of love. In a relationship with former tennis player Arnaud Clémentshe shared her thoughts in “S le magazine de Sophie Davant”. For her, living as a couple is a real challenge: “ Living as a couple is a challenge! We understand late that in fact, living together is work, which must be shared, conceded, maintained, protected. It’s a daily job. » Wouldn’t we say that love is a team sport? But that’s not all! She goes even further by questioning the romantic ideal of the couple: “ The couple, after all, is an ideal from romantic literature! Overcoming these questions and taking responsibility is the lot of women… and perhaps that of men? »

Nolwenn Leroy, a fulfilled woman

Nolwenn Leroy is not the type to let her toes be walked on, and for good reason! Raised in a home where women held the reins, she discovered the power of saying no at a young age. “ At home, it was the women’s house. My great-grandmother, my grandmother, my mother and I lived under the same roof. » With such a family heritage, she knew how to avoid the pitfalls of toxic relationships. She also admits to having “ never experienced the harassment of which so many women today admit to being victims… »

In a relationship with Arnaud Clément, she seems to have found the holy grail of life together. Although she is discreet about her private life, Nolwenn tenderly shared her memories of love in the show “En aside” on Canal +. “ I revised my baccalaureate by watching Roland-Garros and by watching Arnaud in addition. […] It was his best years when he was 10th best player in the world. Life is crazy, it’s crazy. »

“It’s been a while now”

Nolwenn Leroy is not shy when it comes to talking about her relationship! She has already been sharing her life with Arnaud Clément for sixteen years, and she admits it bluntly: “ It’s been a while now. » In an interview with RFM, she revealed: “ I am lucky to be supported in what I do. » A beautiful declaration which shows that love is also a team that works.

Together, they welcomed little Marin, born in July 2017, and the interpreter ofYesterday again does not hide his desire to expand the familywhether it’s a girl or a boy. However, no pressure on the horizon! The star of the series “Brocéliande” on TF1 declared, speaking of her desire for motherhood: “ Wow, we’re not there yet! I really want to, but forecasting is not my thing. » A funny way of saying that she prefers to let life surprise her.

Nolwenn Leroy: “Maybe I don’t provoke things enough”

The singer decided not to let herself be locked into the schedule of life. For her, “ program everything, plan everything » ? Very little! She prefers to let things take their natural course. “ Maybe I don’t provoke things enoughI don’t know, but I trust the timing… You know, I’ve never scheduled anything in my life and I don’t like it “, she confided with a smile. This is a zen attitude that could inspire more than one budding parent!

What if the second child doesn’t show up? Don’t panic! Nolwenn Leroy keeps her feet on the ground and focuses on the happiness of already being the mother of a little boy. “ It’s already lucky to have a little boy. Afterwards, the rest, we will see the surprises that life has in store for me », she added, like a true optimist. With such a philosophy, we can be sure that she will welcome every surprise with a big smile!



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