“I don’t use my notoriety to…”: Audrey Tautou clarifies after several years away from cinema

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Looks… Louise Martin is a televore who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Best Pastry Chef… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks have no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race . Little neck pleasure

After several years away from the spotlight, Audrey Tautou made her return to the stage, in , in the play La Vie de Charlotte Salomon, an adaptation of the novel by David Foenkinos. The actress took the opportunity to confide in our colleagues from -Matin about her absence from our screens and the reasons which pushed her to make this notable choice.

“I don’t use my notoriety to…”: Audrey Tautou clarifies after several years away from cinema

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Audrey Tautou marked an entire generation with films like The fabulous destiny of Amélie Poulain, true classic from the early 2000s. The projects then followed one another for the actress before she finally decided to move away from the world of cinema to the great dismay of her fans. Audrey Tautou’s last appearance in the theater dates back to 2010, while her appearance in the cinema dates back less long since in 2019 she played the role of Marie in The Jesus Roll. She’s back on stage in Antibes this weekend in the room The Life of Charlotte Salomon, an adaptation of the novel by David Foenkinos. She agreed, for the occasion, to answer questions from our colleagues at Nice-Morning. The singer’s ex-partner -M- spoke about this piece but also about her career which she had decided to put on pause until further notice.

What does it take to get him on board with a new project? “Something that’s going to have a unique taste. I like noveltythe unknown… When a project brings me that, I will consider it”she began by confiding. But then why did you put your career aside? To move towards new forms of creation such as writing or photography? “Putting my acting career on hold, it was a way to give myself time to devote myself more to it. I’ve been doing photography since I was very young, writing has always accompanied me, and so has drawing.”explained the actress. And speaking of projects, there is one she is working on at the moment. “I’m currently developing this story into a screenplay! I’m working on it. I am also in the process of producing a book of photos, notably those that I exhibited at the Rencontres d’ a few years ago, which should see the light of day in November.”revealed Audrey Tautou.

Audrey Tautou explains how she chooses her projects

It will not exactly be a scenario for the cinema but rather for an animated film. “The manufacturing time is long, we are at the beginnings, but concrete and intense beginnings!”she assured. If not to express herself on her projects, Audrey Tautou prefers to remain silent and she explained why.

“I choose projects selfishly. I made instinctive choices. And it’s true that I speak in the media when I present a project, I don’t use my notoriety to debate on subjects for which I don’t have the impression of being of added value… “wanted to let know the one who gave the answer to Mathieu Kassovitz. And to conclude: “There are certainly artists whose competition has brought things, but for me it’s not a role that suits me. I have always been very discreetit’s never been a strategy, it’s my nature and I’m not sure that at my age I would be able to change it.”. That’s what it says!



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