Paul St-Pierre Plamondon fell for a series and here is which one

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon fell for a series and here is which one
Paul St-Pierre Plamondon fell for a series and here is which one

The leader of the Parti Québécois, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, took part in the great celebration of the Prix Gémeaux very recently, with his wife, Alexandra Tremblay.

We took the opportunity to ask the politician what his favorite Quebec television show was in the last year, among the nominated series.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon did not hesitate for a second before saying that he fell for The candidatethe most recent opus by the excellent author Isabelle Langlois.

Catherine Chabot’s nuanced performance in the title role, that of a single mother and nail technician, went overnight from “postal candidate” during an election to elected official in her county, without baggage or relevant experience, earned the actress the Gemini for Best Leading Actress in a Comedy or Drama last week.

We have also collected the winner’s comments, which you can read here.

“The fact that there is no second season, we find it difficult, because we really had fun [à la regarder]», explained Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, speaking of his partner and him, before adding that he recognized snippets of his reality in the portrait of politics depicted in The Candidate.

Catherine Chabot proudly showing off the Gémeaux trophy received for her performance in The Candidate / Credit: Serge Cloutier

“We’re in it, we’re doing this with our lives, and it was right. It was still realistic. And, at the same time, it was just over-the-top enough to make the show good! It’s a favorite for which we hope that there will one day be a sequel… perhaps filmed in the National Assembly itself!”

“In the courage of the main character there was the need to do this job“there in a society, to decide between those who speak the truth, from those who are not there for the right reasons”, continued the public man, about the good-hearted Alix Mongeau, clumsy but well-intentioned, personified by Catherine Chabot.

Paw Patrol again?

Speaking of Quebec television, we remember that Paul St-Pierre Plamondon called, in September 2022, for more original youth programs on our airwaves and fewer replicas from the extremely famous Paw Patrolwhich capitalize on young children’s passion for superheroes.

The father of Laurette (6 years old), Maurice (4 years old) and Henri (one year and two months) – who only have very, very limited access to screens, given their young age, assured their proud parents –, has he noticed a difference since his call? Certainly, the Legault government has granted Télé-Québec, in 2023, an envelope of $101 million spread over five years to revitalize its content intended for small viewers, but Paul St-Pierre Plamondon maintains that he has not yet seen any change in the way tangible.

“The government, following our intervention, has indeed found funds to develop youth programs in Quebec. That’s progress. But we haven’t yet seen the difference in the morning. I would know, because I see it, on Saturday and Sunday! It’s always trains that talk and Paw Patrol,” quipped Paul St-Pierre Plamondon at the end of the interview with our journalist, to the laughter of his lover.

“But, it will evolve in the right direction. And if this is not the case, we hope to be able to take care of it ourselves in 2026,” added the deputy for Camille-Laurin.



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