Jean-Pierre Foucault actor for 3: playing someone else, “complicated”

Jean-Pierre Foucault actor for 3: playing someone else, “complicated”
Jean-Pierre Foucault actor for France 3: playing someone else, “complicated”

“It was quite complicated and distressing for me”: at almost 77 years old, Jean-Pierre Foucault trades his hat as a host for that of an actor in the thriller “Murders on the Blue Coast”, broadcast on 3 on October 12.

After Stéphane Bern, Stéphane Plaza and Michel Cymes, it is the turn of the TF1 veteran to take part in the game of “Murders”, a popular collection of regional public service TV films.

In this new episode located west of , where he lives, Jean-Pierre Foucault plays Marc Valenci, heritage architect and main witness to the murder of a construction contractor, pushed from the top of a viaduct.

“It’s a new experience that I don’t regret having tried today,” he said during a press video conference. “But at the time, it really disturbed me,” added the man who had never played a role other than himself, apart from a brief appearance in “I love you hairstyle” on TF1.

“The host, he says what he thinks. (…) And, there, the fact that someone wrote for me and that I said a text that was not mine, (..) it was a little complicated”, especially since, “since my schooling, I had not learned a text by heart”, explained the emblematic presenter of the Miss France ceremony on TF1.

“At night, my wife said to me: ‘But who are you talking to?’ actor like his father Jean-Marc Thibault.

“It’s been 55 years that on television, in front of a camera, I have been myself. There, I was asked to ignore the camera and play someone else,” he continued .

“Not seeking” a career as an actor, Jean-Pierre Foucault launched himself at the request of producer Christophe Koszarek, after obtaining authorization from TF1, “his house”.

Will he repeat the experience? “If the viewer ignores Jean-Pierre Foucault and only sees Marc Valenci from the first minutes, perhaps I will do something else” in a more comic register, he replies.

“He amazed us all,” assured Christophe Koszarek. “I would like to see him in comedies because in fact, quite naturally, he has a bit of a Pierre Mondy style in his acting,” argued the producer.




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