This Wednesday, September 25, on France Inter, Nagui made some confidences regarding his state of health.
If Nagui plays the troublemaker on France 2 in Don’t forget the lyrics, he sometimes appears more serious. This Wednesday, on France Inter, the one who hosts every day of the week The original soundtrack made some confidences about
his state of health. A subject inspired by the presence of his guest, Bernard Campan, who is currently playing in Check-up, a play about a man who undergoes numerous health examinations.
As he explains, Nagui was recently subjected to several tests which proved particularly distressing. Like many patients, the facilitator expected the worst when receiving the results. “We find ourselves in a situation, I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced it, where we are, surely with age, it’s not going to get better. When you have done all your analyzes and you arrive in front of the doctor who will read you the results, there is
this kind of suspense where you say: what will he say to me?“.
“There is a real problem”: Nagui not reassured by his doctor
And Nagui was probably right to be anxious, given the unappealing reaction of his doctor. “He started off by being angry and saying: ‘There’s a real problem.’ And there, sincerely, deep inside me I collapsed. I said: ‘but what is he going to say to me?”, confides the host.
Fortunately for the latter, the medical professional was simply playing with his nerves, and it seemed that everything was fine. “And the guy ends by telling me, because my doctor is not really vegetarian (…): ‘I’m disappointed because your analyzes are extremely good for a vegetarian and that annoys me. I’ll even have to stop eating salmon!’ There it was, that was the valve”. A simple joke in bad taste, therefore, for Nagui who had to see his life flash before his eyes.
Nagui talks about his bone marrow donation in NOPLP
Few people know it, but Nagui is one of the people who volunteers to donate their bone marrow. The latter spoke on the subject on September 16
in Don’t Forget the Lyrics. “I once received a letter saying: ‘It’s okay, we found someone, come’, and there you feel like you’re world champion, we will be useful to save a life“says the host before listing the difficulties of the process.
“There are major compatibility issues. It starts with leads. There is a blood test at the beginning, quite simply, to say: ‘Are you a donor or not? Available or not?’ And then, there are several medical appointments to make before the bone marrow donation can be made,”
specifies Nagui, who encourages “everyone to do it”.