Deal concluded: What links unite this historic buyer of the show and a famous comedian?

By Gaëtan Audeyer | Deputy Editor-in-Chief

From Hollywood stars to French personalities, no one escapes Gaëtan’s devouring curiosity to tell stories. Feeding on Star Academy and Sous le soleil, like any good self-respecting millennial, he now takes great pleasure in deciphering PAF broadcasts. His guilty pleasure? Watch old episodes of the show Strip Tease over and over again.

Every day, Julia Vignali presents “Affaire Conclue” on 2. The opportunity for her to meet the famous buyers, including one in particular who has been in the casting since the beginning of the show. And according to her Instagram account, the latter would be very close to a famous comedian. We reveal everything to you.

“Affaire concluded” is a flagship program on France 2 Fierce battle between two buyers of “Affaire concluded” on France 2 © France 2

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We warn you right away, it’s not Caroline Margeridon! Don’t get me wrong, it’s really a Caroline we’re talking about. But from another. Indeed, since the beginning of the show, Caroline Pons has been among the show’s historic buyers. While others, like Pierre-Jean Chalençon, Julien Cohen, Alain Laugier or Alexandra Morel have left the ship, others are holding on. Caroline is one of them, just like her namesake with blonde hair..

In just a few years, Caroline Pons has become one of the flagship buyers ofDeal donebroadcast on France 2. Fans of the auction program now know her well, and her biting personality, always ready to raise the stakes. The forty-year-old who lives between and Granville in La Manche sees the show as a useful exercise and a good way to make as many people as possible love art objects.

In addition to her activities related to antiques, Caroline Pons has a foot in show business. Logic you will tell me when you become a figure on the small screen. Besides, it seems that in the middle of all these beautiful people that she frequents, there is at least one person who stands out as her real friend. This is Jeanfi Janssens with whom the Affaire Conclue personality recently had lunch. “So happy with the time we spent together today at the Flea Market. You arrived with your suitcase from Honfleur and I had to leave with mine towards Granville but we managed to schedule our lunch Pucien!”she wrote in the caption of her publication on Instagram.

And Caroline Pons added: And yes, the schedules clash and nothing is easy to schedule an appointment in this cascade of dates for your phenomenal tour which delights the French, go ahead, run and see this show ‘fallen from the sky’ because we laugh, we smile, we are also often moved… Today, we were able to sit down even for a few hours to laugh and tell each other about our latest trips because you and I know that we are travelers, road acrobats and we love that, going out to meet the people as you like to call them with affection…” A beautiful statement from the beautiful brunette who poses all smiles in the photo which excited nearly 700 Internet users on the social network. Jeanfi, for his part, wanted to respond to his friend with a tender message: Always an immense pleasure to bathe in this universe that you make familiar to me. Huge kisses and see you soon to have this kind of day again.”.



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