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Nagui returns to a big scare after health exams

Nagui returns to a big scare after health exams
Nagui returns to a big scare after health exams

Nagui is a workaholic. Viewers find him daily on the animation of Don’t forget the lyrics on 2, but he is also in charge of The original soundtrack on France Inter radio every morning. Wednesday September 25, the one who will soon host a bonus of Taratata dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Bercy, hosted Bernard Campan on his show. The actor and member of Les Inconnus came to talk about the play Check up in which he portrays a sixty-year-old who has to go to the hospital to undergo medical examinations. The opportunity for Nagui to share an anecdote that he will not soon forget.

Very distressing medical examinations

Indeed, Nagui has also recently been subjected to several medical tests. Anxiety then took hold of him before the announcement of the results, always a distressing moment. “We find ourselves in a situation, I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced it, where we are, surely with age, it’s not going to get better. When you’ve done all your analyzes and you arrive in front of the doctor who will read you the results, there is this kind of suspense where you say: what is he going to tell me?“, relates Nagui on the station.

Nagui: “Deep inside, I collapsed”

A little knot in my stomach that got worse when his doctor started talking. “He started out by making a face and saying, ‘There’s a real problem.’ And there, sincerely, deep inside I said to myself: ‘But what is he going to say to me?’“, he recalled. But ultimately, more fear than harm for Nagui, whose doctor was somewhat teasing: “And the guy ends by telling me, because he’s not really vegetarian, my doctor […] : ‘I’m disappointed because your analyzes are extremely good for a vegetarian and that annoys me. I’ll even have to stop eating salmon!'” And Nagui concludes: “There it was, it was the valve“.



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