Jean-Marie Bigard (70 years old) confides in his luxurious lifestyle

Jean-Marie Bigard (70 years old) confides in his luxurious lifestyle
Jean-Marie Bigard (70 years old) confides in his luxurious lifestyle

Comedian Jean-Marie Bigard was Cyril Hanouna’s guest in Face à Hanouna, Sunday September 22. The opportunity for him to talk about the fortune earned during his career.

Jean-Marie Bigard is one of the most iconic French comedians and French celebrities who need no introduction. Revealed to the public in 1987 on the show La Classe, the comedian wrote a hundred of sketches and collaborated with comedians like Franck Godard, Laurent Baffie and Pierre Veys. Jean-Marie Bigard, owner of a very chic apartment, has participated in numerous TV shows as Don’t touch my post, Fort Boyard, An almost perfect dinner or even We just want to laugh about it. Last September 22, in the broadcast Facing Hanouna, he confided in his career and its big fees.

Jean-Marie Bigard: a comedian who generated significant income

An emblematic figure

On the set of the show Facing Hanounathe presenter and host of the program C8 did not fail to remind the comedian that he occupies a unmissable place in the humorous landscape French. However, to this praise, Jean-Marie Bigard, ruined, responded with regret and bitterness: “I’m nothing more than shit”. Then, the comedian confided that he still exercises by performing for free every Wednesday in a small bistro not far from his home. The host, in response to this statement, offered to find the comedian a theater so that he can resume with the shows.

100,000 euros per day

Jean-Marie Bigard is also known for his sense of distribution. The proof, after Cyril Hanouna’s proposal, he launched: “Bring us the papers”. During the show, the host discussed the income of the comedian. Indeed, throughout his career, Jean-Marie Bigard has generated impressive income. Moreover, the comedian did not fail to confide in his descent into hell and confirmed having won between 80 and 100 million euros. Thanks to his numerous toursJean-Marie Bigard confided: “I earned 100,000 euros per day and I did 150 dates per year”reports Closer.

Used to talking about his income

However, this is not the first time for the comedian to open up about his income. In 2022, as part of an interview with Jordan de Luxe, comedian Jean-Marie Bigard discussed the subject with transparency. “I released my show at the end of November and at the end of December, I had sold 500,000 DVDs. I had seven euros on each DVD. And then, 500,000 DVDs the rest of the year”he revealed. Then, he confided that he had pocketed up to 7 million euros after having achievedsignificant sales over the year and for each show.

Jean-Michel Bigard (70 years old): that time when he filled the Stade de

A modest financial situation

Despite all these impressive incomethe comedian revealed that most of the money he made no longer exists. With humor, he launched “where did everything disappear? At Michel Barnier’s”referred to taxes levied by the state. Words which were applauded by Cyril Hanouna’s audience. Today, Jean-Marie Bigard has a modest financial situation. Indeed, thanks to copyright and its retirementLola Marois’ husband receives around 6,000 euros every month. For him, it is a large sum but which does not leave much room for extravagance, once the taxes have been paid.

A dream that comes true

Throughout his career, the companion of Lola Marois, who had also been cash about the state of health of her husband, got on scene many times. However, the comedian cherished the dream of being able to fill the Stade de France, a dream which ended up becoming a reality in 2004. For the success of the event, Jean-Marie Bigard had provided a investment five million euros from his own pocket. The comedian says he booked the Stade de France in April for a repetition which had cost him a million euros, plus another four million. Jean-Marie Bigard also confides that he has tripled the electrical power of the Stade de France.

A huge loss

The 70-year-old comedian’s goal was to have one of the best evenings of his life. So, it was without hesitation that he decided to investmoney taken out of his pocket. Unfortunately, he ended up with a deficit of 2.7 million euros, because revenues had generated only 2.3 million. However, Jean-Marie Bigard confides that he has no regrets for this amount spent. Although he is broke, the comedian believes he has been lucky when his career was taking off flight.



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