“Shame on you”: Gérard Jugnot wronged, the actor on the floor during a train journey that was nevertheless paid for…

Many people complain about the SNCF. And the latter spares no one, not even celebrities. Gérard Jugnot recently paid the price.

“Shame on you”: Gérard Jugnot wronged, the actor on the floor during a train journey that was nevertheless paid for…

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Although the French rail network is rather well served, it cannot be said that the population is very happy with the company that runs it. The SNCF is much more criticized than appreciated. It must be said that the many incidents that occur every day and cause many delays tend to get on the passengers’ nerves. But these hazards, which are not necessarily the responsibility of the SNCF every time, are not the only criticisms that are made.

Sometimes, even though they have paid for their train tickets, customers find themselves without a seat on board. A situation that Gérard Jugnot can confirm, having recently experienced this. On tour for the play Kiwi Day in which he gives the reply to his son Arthur Jugnot and to Florence Pernel, the actor of Tanned and member of the Splendid troupe found himself at having to travel next to your suitcase between two carriages. And he wasn’t the only one since the whole team was entitled to it.

On a story by Mathilda May reshared by the actor Aurélien Wiik (see our slideshow), we can see Gérard Jugnot sitting on the ground next to the actress and director. The duo took their places on the small steps between each car, in front of the toilets where all the passengers pass. They are not the only ones to have been treated this way since Arthur Jugnot and Christophe Alévêque, who accompanied them, found themselves in the same situation. “TGV return without a seat. Shame on you SNCF. Bravo again” can be read in the captions attached to the photos. As if the SNCF does not spare celebrities, many of whom have had problems.

Many celebrities angry with the SNCF

Social media rants against the SNCF are very common. Matt Pokora had one after a disagreement in October 2023, while he was having a good time with his family at Disneyland . Unfortunately for him, a huge delay somewhat spoiled the party: “Instead of telling us about delays, which you increase every hour, keeping us waiting at the station and creating suspense, tell us directly your 40 minutes minimum. That way we know, we go home and we cancel the appointment we had at the destination since we know we won’t be able to be on time. You’re making us lose a day, at least save us some time.”

The same story from the late Charlotte Valandrey in 2021 for a completely different reason. While she got the wrong train ticket, her good faith towards the ticket inspectors did nothing to change it, they even called the police: “They made me pay 50 bucks. I had to buy a TGV ticket for 100 bucks. As if we had 150 bucks to spend on this right now, it’s really disgusting.



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