this big misadventure experienced by Nolwenn Leroy on “Brocéliande”

this big misadventure experienced by Nolwenn Leroy on “Brocéliande”
this big misadventure experienced by Nolwenn Leroy on “Brocéliande”
Photo credits: Shine Fiction / TF1

Nolwenn Leroy takes her first steps as an actress in “Brocéliande”, the new TF1 saga filmed in the heart of . Last week, the first two episodes of this police thriller directed by Bruno Garcia won over 4.20 million viewers on average, an excellent audience score that marks a return to grace for the winner of the “Star Academy” 22 years ago. For Nolwenn Leroy, the decision to accept this role was made easier by the location of the plot, in the land of her childhood. It was comforting for me to find myself in a familiar universe and space that I know and love, with lots of mystery and strength. I told myself that there would be an extra soul especially there, in this forest, this magic that would help me, carry me… but I didn’t imagine to what extent! The forest is the main actress in the series. It will certainly give the desire, I hope, to lots of people, to go on a weekend in Brocéliande ” the 41-year-old singer attests to our colleagues at

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“We were hugging trees all day long.”

If Nolwenn Leroy quickly found her marks in front of the camera, it is because she was welcomed without preconceptions by her co-stars, including Marie-Anne Chazel, Arnaud Binard and Catherine Marchal. It was really the perfect project to start with because during the whole shoot, it was crazy kindness, benevolence, generosity. (…) There, in particular, something happened. It was also the right people together, and then the right director. The forest also played its part because we fed off that energy. We hugged the trees all day long, we were really in a bit of a feng shui mood! ” says the singer of “Brésil Finistère”, totally connected to the particular aura of the Paimpont forest which is said to have been the scene of the famous Arthurian legends… However, these shots in the middle of nature earned the heroine of “Brocéliande” a very unpleasant mishap.

“It was a baby tick!”

Spread from April to July 2023, the filming of “Brocéliande” suffered somewhat from its natural environment. We filmed for three months in the forest and we had incredible weather, it was almost too hot! Then, we had a bad surprise: ticks ” reveals Nolwenn Leroy, a victim, like other team members, of this scourge with sometimes very dangerous consequences. She even nearly ended up in hospital! ” I found myself one morning at the hotel eating breakfast and I saw a black thing on the inside of my thigh. I thought it really did look like a mole and I got closer and I saw little legs… It was a baby tick! It was scary, with all the talk about Lyme disease… ” says the singer, seized with panic after this discovery.

TO READ – “The next album…”: Nolwenn Leroy says everything about the rest of his career!

Fortunately, a benefactress got her out of this unfortunate situation: “ The producer had, we don’t know how, a tick remover with her, came and removed my tick. After that, it was over ” However, there is no question of taking things lightly. Thus, Nolwenn Leroy had to take preventive treatment. I still had two injections. Many people in the technical field have been injected, but among the actors, I am the only one ” she tells the media site. Where are the owls when we need them?



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