“I take both and it works”, Emilien reveals the secrets of his incredible longevity in “Les 12 coups de midi”

“I take both and it works”, Emilien reveals the secrets of his incredible longevity in “Les 12 coups de midi”
“I take both and it works”, Emilien reveals the secrets of his incredible longevity in “Les 12 coups de midi”

Appearing for the first time on the show called Les 12 coups de midi on Monday, September 25, 2023, Emilien won the title of Maître de midi, which he has never let go of until now. Indeed, Wednesday, September 25, 2024, it will be exactly one year to the day that the young history student has been participating daily in the game played by Jean-Luc Reichmann on TF1. This would be an absolute record for the program, provided that the champion is not eliminated before. Sunday, September 22, 2024, the emblematic host of the first channel wanted to know what Emilien’s secret was to display such longevity.

“I don’t think I have many secrets to last,” the Noon Master initially replied. “But when I was on prime time for the 5000th show with the other Noon Masters, I was teased by being told: ‘The secret to last seems to be to drink a glass of apple juice and a glass of orange juice in the morning. You have to drink both. It gives you strength and it gives you courage,” he later revealed. Indeed, Emilien has the habit of drinking a glass of apple juice as well as a glass of orange juice every morning for breakfast.

“I don’t think it changes much. In any case, I take both and it works very well like that,” the candidate finally concluded. Recently, Emilien confided in the cameras of the show 50′ about his ritual between the recordings of the 12 coups de midi (…)

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