Tahar Rahim’s touching statement to his mother in “Sept à huit”

Tahar Rahim’s touching statement to his mother in “Sept à huit”
Tahar Rahim’s touching statement to his mother in “Sept à huit”

Tahar Rahim in “Seven to Eight”

VIDEO – The actor who will soon play the singer Charles Aznavour was able to count on the unconditional support of his mother from the start of his career, as he explained to Audrey Crespo-Mara on TF1.

Revealed in 2009 in A prophetTahar Rahim will soon be Charles Aznavour in the cinema in a biopic directed by Mehdi Idir and Grand Corps Malade. “A huge personality, a huge artist, impossible to reach”as the actor defines it in front of Audrey Crespo-Mara. “It took some work to find the right posture, to move like him. To look like him without completely disappearing.”he continues.

A role that required four hours of makeup every morning, microprosthetics and total commitment from the actor, even in his daily life. “I can’t stand hearing Charles Aznavour yelling at the children at the other end of the apartment, it’s becoming embarrassing”his wife, actress Leïla Bekhti, amused himself by declaring. An anecdote that makes Tahar Rahim smile, without however dwelling on the subject this evening. The couple is discreet “to protect oneself”.

Intertwined destinies

In this portrait broadcast in “Sept à huit”, the parallel with the interpreter of Bohemia is obvious. Two children of immigrants passionate about their art, one Armenian, the other Algerian, both educated in dual culture. “Algeria at home, abroad and it was mixed at the entrance”remembers Tahar Rahim. For Charles Aznavour, it was music, for this youngest of a family of 10 children it was cinema. “It was a fantasy that turned into a dream and then became a need”explains Tahar Rahim, who finds his most faithful support in his mother.

When he got his first casting, a small role in a music video, “She started crying like I got a part in Scorsese’s movie”he enjoys telling this evening on TF1. “A discharge of unwavering love and trust that no one will match”.

“My mother, I wouldn’t be here without her. She gave me all the belief and self-denial that I was able to develop over the years to be able to caress this dream.”says Tahar Rahim, who is much more talkative about the woman who gave him life.

SEE ALSO – “I’m a real mother hen”: Audrey Crespo-Mara opens up about two sons, Sékou and Lamine Mara

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