“We don’t talk to each other anymore”: discomfort on the set of Face à Hanouna, Marjolaine Bui asks Greg Basso for an apology

“We don’t talk to each other anymore”: discomfort on the set of Face à Hanouna, Marjolaine Bui asks Greg Basso for an apology
“We don’t talk to each other anymore”: discomfort on the set of Face à Hanouna, Marjolaine Bui asks Greg Basso for an apology

They met in 2003, on the set of the TF1 show, Greg le Millionnaire. They were part
early references to reality TV personalities. Against all expectations, after years spent away from the cameras, the iconic duo Marjolaine Bui and Greg Basso have reunited twenty years later, in season 2 of Les Cinquante, on W9.

They later participated in season 7 of Apprentice Adventurers, and formed a duo, without knowing it beforehand. While their reunion in the Cinquaprnte had gone quite well, the understanding in Apprentice Adventurers was quite different between them.

A persistent grudge between Marjolaine Bui and Greg Basso

The reality TV candidate is currently participating in the TFX program, Moms & Famous. In the columns of Télé-Loisirs, the participant spoke a few days ago about her partner, and their last adventure together. : “We don’t talk anymore. He insulted me on the set of The Apprentice Adventurers. I asked him to apologize, he didn’t want to. As long as he doesn’t apologize to me… I don’t let myself be insulted like that,”
she delivered to Télé-Loisirs.

This Saturday, September 21, the duo found themselves on the set of Face à Hanouna, on C8. The show’s star host, Cyril Hanouna, questioned Marjolaine about what happened on the set.

Apologies from Greg Basso

To which the candidate responded: :
“At first he was very nice, honestly he was there, he supported me. […] But in the end, Vivian, who you know, who is really a troublemaker, he wanted to oust us from the game to be with a better team because I was a bit of a drag on the team, because I was sick. […] And what happened was that he got a bit angry with me and so, Greg, at one point, he had some pretty violent words and that’s it, he was very mean to me,” she explained.

She later said she asked Greg Basso to apologize, but he never wanted to do so. She tried again on the C8 set, and won her case. : “I’m not going to get into a controversy because I have so much to say about this passage, but you want me to apologize? I apologize,” replied Greg Basso.



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