“We gave up”: Florent Pagny gives news of his state of health and provides an update on his treatment

“We gave up”: Florent Pagny gives news of his state of health and provides an update on his treatment
“We gave up”: Florent Pagny gives news of his state of health and provides an update on his treatment

“My health is fine (…) But with a perspective of three months over two years”, he first confided. Florent Pagny has indeed faced three relapses of his cancer, forcing him to remain vigilant and undergo regular examinations. And to get better, the singer made a surprising decision: to completely turn his back on traditional medicine.There is no more treatment. Even immunotherapy… We realized one day that it wasn’t working, there were relapses, we gave up.”

He then looked into the existing alternatives, and seems to have found in Chinese medicine a solution that suits him.”Lately I have been rather accompanied by Chinese medicine, and it is the one that gives me the most satisfaction for everything that can be next to it and because of the treatments. Since they are plants, it is not bad. I found a good doctor, he gives me the right treatments and he manages the developments that there can be.” A treatment that will at least allow him to have enough strength to resume filming.



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