“I need 10,000 euros to survive”, Véronique Genest is demolished by Yann Moix live on the subject of her retirement

“I need 10,000 euros to survive”, Véronique Genest is demolished by Yann Moix live on the subject of her retirement
“I need 10,000 euros to survive”, Véronique Genest is demolished by Yann Moix live on the subject of her retirement

During an interview for Here Véronique Genest had spoken of her financial difficulties caused by her “small retreat”.

“I have to earn a living. I have to work. I need 10,000 euros a month to survive, to help those around me. Actors’ pensions are not commensurate with the time they spend working. They are minimal. Unemployment is capped, not huge. But I have never complained.”she told our colleagues in 2022.

Véronique Genest’s financial difficulties

Still during the same interview, the former actress of Julie Lescaut nevertheless assured to have “goods and savings”. However, according to Véronique Genest, these do not “will not be eternal” and his mother’s nursing home also costs him a lot of money: “between 5,000 and 6,000 euros per month.”

Invited to Jordan de Luxe several years ago, the 68-year-old actress spoke about the complicated period she was going through financially: “Personally, I had a cash reserve, I’m running out of it… I have huge expenses. For two years, I haven’t gone to restaurants, when I go to the theatre, I don’t pay, when I buy clothes, it’s 30 euros. But I’m not complaining! I work for that.”.

This Monday, September 16, 2024, Pascale de La Tour du Pin, Yann Moix, and Eric Naulleau, returned to this statement when they debated the stars who complain about their financial situation. While the presenter of the show C8 relayed the comments made by Véronique Genest in 2022, Yann Moix retorted: “Well what is she doing? (complaining:editor’s note)”

Eric Naulleau and Yann Moix attack the actress

For his part, Eric Naulleau was not very kind to Véronique Genest either. “And then there is a verb that we cannot use, it is to hold on.” Because here, around this table, in the audience, everyone has gone through periods where, in fact, it was necessary to hold on until the end of the month.”he initially said.

Before remembering: “Because the end of the month started on the 5th, we were covered on the 5th. On the 6th, the banker made this phone call to you saying ‘listen, you should think about covering your overdraft’. You wanted to tell him ‘well my friend, if I had enough to cover my overdraft, it would have been in my account for a while now’. So we knew what it was like to hold out for three weeks until payday. So, using this term, I find it indecent.”.

Véronique Genest’s statement about her financial situation clearly did not convince the journalists on the show. C8.



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