Trump wants to charge Musk with an “audit” of the American state to “reform” it in depth
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Trump wants to charge Musk with an “audit” of the American state to “reform” it in depth

Elon Musk in Los Angeles on May 6, 2024, and Donald Trump in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 18, 2024 (Frederic J. BROWN)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced on Thursday that, if elected, he would task billionaire Elon Musk, to whom he is close, with an “audit” of the State with a view to “reforming” it in depth.

“On the advice of Elon Musk (…) I will establish a government commission to conduct a comprehensive audit of the finances and performance of the entire federal government, with a view to making recommendations for drastic reforms,” ​​the former president of the United States declared before a club of economists and business circles in New York.

This is not the first time that the 78-year-old Republican tribune has indicated that he would like to see Elon Musk, to whom he is close, at his side in a possible new administration, if he is re-elected on November 5.

But Donald Trump has never been so specific about the tasks he wants to entrust to the boss of Tesla, SpaceX, and the social network X.

“We have to do it, we can’t continue like this. And Elon (Musk) has agreed to lead this” commission, hammered the conservative leader, pounding the program of his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris and the “economic catastrophe” caused according to him by the government of President Joe Biden.

– “Nation faillie” –

“We are in economic crisis, a failed nation, a nation in serious decline,” said Donald Trump once again, who has never stopped – before his arrival at the White House and since his departure – painting the world’s leading power in a negative light.

Current Vice President Harris and candidate for the election “wants four more years to implement a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and to America as a whole,” he added.

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Without commenting on the substance of the reforms advocated by Mr. Trump, Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia, predicted that an appointment of Elon Musk would encounter “opposition from Congress and many other groups and personalities.”

“There would also be all sorts of conflicts of interest, particularly economic ones, given the affairs that link the two leaders,” the lawyer argued to AFP, who believes that “shareholders of Musk’s listed companies would initiate legal proceedings.”

Developing in a disjointed speech some of the axes of what his economic program would be if he returned to the White House, Donald Trump also promised to make “the United States the world capital of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.”

As he spoke in New York, less than a week before a highly anticipated debate on September 10 with his rival Kamala Harris, the latter was in Pennsylvania, an industrial state in the northeast, perhaps the most crucial in the election between Republicans and Democrats.

Donald Trump won by a hair’s breadth in 2016 and Joe Biden by a hair’s breadth in 2020.

“We will make sure that America has a giant steel industry, an aluminum industry, a manufacturing base and a defense industry,” Mr. Trump also promised.

“Some call it economic nationalism. I call it common sense. I call it America first,” concluded the leader considered a follower of protectionism.



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