DayFR Euro

Ersilia Soudais comes to the aid of the suspended professor in Toulouse

Ersilia Soudais defended the Toulouse professor suspended for calling for a boycott of Israel and participating in disinformation about the conflict in the Middle East. “Full support for the professor at the Toulouse School of Economics, who is subject to an outrageous cabal,” wrote the MP for the 7the constituency of Seine-et-Marne. “The figure of 200,000 Palestinian victims that he puts forward is not fanciful. It is based on a very serious scientific review,” continues the elected official, sharing an article from Release to support his words.

Full support for the professor at the Toulouse School of Economics, who is the victim of a disproportionate cabal.
The figure of 200,000 Palestinian victims that he puts forward is not fanciful. It is based on a very serious scientific review.

— Ersilia Soudais (@ErsiliaSoudais)

Problem: in their article, our colleagues explain precisely how this estimate published last July in The Lancet is a simple “order of magnitude” […] “very imprecise”. Based on the figure of 37,396 Palestinians killed in mid-June since Israel’s response to the attack carried out by Hamas on its soil on October 7, the authors of the text then apply a multiplier of five. First difficulty, the figure taken as a starting point is given by the Hamas Ministry of Health, and is thus unverifiable.

READ ALSO Hostages executed: Hamas intensifies […] Read more


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