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Faced with controversy, Pernod Ricard gives up sponsoring PSG

reverse gear – The head of the spirits group announced the turnaround in a statement. OM supporters vehemently opposed this partnership with the Parisian rival. They consider the company inseparable from Marseille’s identity

The sponsorship did not last long. The spirits group Pernod Ricard on Thursday gave up its partnership signed at the beginning of the week with PSG, contested by OM supporters who believe that the company is first and foremost Marseille and threatened to boycott its products.

“For over 90 years, Ricard’s history has been intertwined with Marseille, which saw it born, grow up and inspire it. And this link is stronger than anything. It is therefore a decision that comes from the heart that I am taking today,” said the group’s CEO, Alexandre Ricard, in a press release, to justify this turnaround.

The partnership was only supposed to concern whisky and champagne

In its press release, the group specifies that the agreement with the capital club was only to concern whiskies and champagnes, and not the aniseed-flavored alcoholic drink characteristic of the south of France.

“Pernod Ricard will proudly continue to claim its origins and the sincerity of the links that unite our brands with their communities,” adds Alexandre Ricard. As a reminder, Pernod Ricard had launched an advertising campaign called “Born in Marseille”, which took up the codes of the Phoc(…) - 20minutes

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