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What are the marketing professions that are recruiting in France in 2024?

numerous opportunities – Marketing, a booming sector, attracts recruiters looking for talent to boost the company’s turnover

In many sectors, marketing is proving to be the key to business success. Knowing how to sell, detecting a need, transforming an idea into a desirable product, then defining the profile of the ideal customer and finding the channels to reach them: this is where all the magic of marketing lies. In 2024, this expertise remains crucial, with many opportunities to be seized in professions that are recruiting.

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Le social media manager

The social media manager is the architect of a brand’s online presence. He builds and protects the company’s image on social networks, develops digital strategies and sometimes supervises a team to maximize visibility and engagement. This role can be played in a company or as a freelancer, with flexibility that can allow remote work.

He analyzes social media performance, creates digital strategies, manages editorial calendars, and monitors competitive trends and actions. A background in marketing, communications, or digital is key. Business school graduates or digital marketing and SEO specialists are part(…) - 20minutes

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