DayFR Euro

She drops her daughter off for school and gives birth at school

BIRTHDAY NOTES – Little Luiz was born Tuesday morning at the Saint-Grégoire school

Some babies are born on a hard shoulder, in a supermarket parking lot or in a fire truck. Already very studious, little Luiz let out his first cry in a school, as reported by West France.

The beautiful story took place on Tuesday, in the middle of the school year, at the Saint-Grégoire school north of Rennes. Having come to drop off their 4-year-old daughter, the baby’s two mothers thought they would have time to reach the nearby maternity ward after her waters broke a little earlier. But the baby was clearly in a hurry and the two women had no choice but to isolate themselves in the school locker room to “bring their baby into the world together”, as they told our colleagues.

All the parents waited for the happy event

After six or seven minutes, the little angel finally saw the light of day while a student’s mother, a doctor, gave her first aid to the mother. In any case, the birth caused a great deal of excitement in the school since almost all the parents stayed in the courtyard to await the happy event.

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Also read:
Tokophobia, when the fear of childbirth turns into a phobia
Hérault: The nearest maternity hospital has closed, she gives birth in her car
Doubs: The baby’s head already out, she gives birth to her own daughter at home


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