Toulouse: the young quadriplegic man did not squat in the swimming pool, according to his lawyer
DayFR Euro

Toulouse: the young quadriplegic man did not squat in the swimming pool, according to his lawyer

A new twist in a case that caused controversy this summer. In Toulouse, a young man was accused by a resident, in a report broadcast by TF1 on August 11, of having squatted in the condominium swimming pool on August 6, 2022. Not content with having illegally taken advantage of it, according to her, the individual allegedly sued the residence for negligence, after seriously injuring himself after diving into the pool.

This Monday, August 2, three weeks after the broadcast of the report, the lawyer of the young man, now quadriplegic, denied the accusations. MD, now 21 years old, did not squat in the pool but was “guest, with two other friends” by a tenant of the residence, affirms Maître Antoine Chambolle, contacted by The Figaro. «My client is not a squatter, he had access to the swimming pool with the authorization of a resident of the condominium“, assures the lawyer who presents his client as someone who is “intelligent, with a good head on his shoulders” But nothing says, however, that he is not responsible in this affair.

“It is possible that my client was negligent”

«He went back into the residence and bathed for 30 minutes but it is possible that he was negligent,” acknowledges Mr. Chambolle, leaving the door open to his client’s responsibility. “He was not used to his private pools and was unaware of their typical layout.“, continues the lawyer who assures that his client “was not intoxicated on the day of the accident because he does not drink alcohol“A resident claims that precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of swimmers: she is seen holding up a pool depth sign indicating that the depth is only 1.08 m at the pool entrance, in a video broadcast on August 19 by BFM TV.There is no evidence that this sign was there on the day of the accident?” asks Mr. Chambolle.

After the accident, the lawyer contacted Crédit Agricole Immobilier, which manages the residence, and asked for information on the compliance and maintenance of the swimming pool.This morning, the trustee, who was never aware of this incident before my letter, told me that they were waiting for the agreement of the co-ownership before sending me the documents.“, explains to the Figaro Mr. Chambolle. Once he has received them, the lawyer will decide whether or not to initiate civil proceedings against the trustee. Crédit Agricole Immobilier is waiting for the lawyer’s conclusions before reacting. For the time being, “no criminal or civil proceedings have been initiated” by MD, says Me Chambolle.


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