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“Keep a memory”: this castle sells its treasures before changing hands

This is not a classic garage sale but a more original way to get rid of your old objects in an exceptional setting, a castle sale. You will find dishes, decoration, household linen, carafes, during this sale organized this weekend and the weekend of September 7 (from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) at the Château de la Berrière, in Divatte-sur-Loire, in Loire-Atlantique (44). Agricultural tools, carpets, old cast iron irons, amphorae will also be available, for just a few euros. You can find exceptional objects there such as a liqueur kit composed of three bottles to serve whisky.

In total, a hundred rooms belong to the same family, the De Baschers, owners of this 14-room château since 1737. Antony de Bascher, Jacques de Bascher’s father, companion of the famous couturier Karl Lagerfeld, inherited it in 1951. When he died in 1975, his widow, Armelle de Bascher, ran the wine estate. A mass was celebrated in the chapel of the Château de La Berrière when Jacques de Bascher died of AIDS.

The current owner of the premises, Xavier de Bascher, creator of the visual for the Kenzo brand, is reluctantly parting with the estate, which has been listed as a Historic Monument since 2011: “It’s not a page that turns, it’s a book that closes.“, he says bitterly. He cannot afford to finance the work that the castle requires alone and the two other members of his family want to sell the property. The castle must therefore be emptied before being handed over to the buyer of the premises: “There were many things accumulated over generations, it’s time to part with them“, the owner confides to West France . The house must be sold by the end of the year. The future owners are already known, they are passionate about heritage, lovers of stone. They would acquire the property for 1.7 million euros.

Take home a piece of the castle’s history

An auction was held at the castle 6 years ago: 600 lots were on sale, Chinese porcelain, books, Louis XV style furniture, jewelry: pocket watches, brooches, etc., swords. The proceeds from the sale helped to partially finance the restoration of the premises. The castle was also selected by the Stéphane Bern Mission in 2018. In 2019, the owners restored the dovecote and the barn, which were in great danger. The work was completed in July 2021. The frame of the barn and its slate roof were redone and the walls of the dovecote consolidated. The site was able to host six theatrical performances in the summer of 2021.This sale ends the story and also allows the public to keep a souvenir of the castle” concludes Xavier de Bascher, quoted by The Parisian. While enjoying one last time this extraordinary setting, the dovecote, the bread oven and the chapel.


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