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The Experts: IR/CSG merger, soon to be a reality?

This Monday, September 2, Nicolas Doze welcomed Éric Gérard, founder of Ambition France, Dany Lang, professor and researcher in economics at Sorbonne-Paris Nord, and Olivier Babeau, president of the Sapiens Institute, on the show Les Experts on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Monday, September 2, Éric Gérard, founder of Ambition France, Dany Lang, professor and researcher in economics at Sorbonne-Paris Nord, and Olivier Babeau, president of the Sapiens Institute, spoke about the use of unemployment insurance to finance the reintegration of job seekers, and the possibility of increasing net salary, on the show Les Experts, presented by Nicolas Doze. Les Experts can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

This Friday, August 30, the economy that is at the center of political debates, the pension reform that has returned to the discussions, and the issues of an increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros, were discussed by Patrick Artus, director of economic research at Natixis, Xavier Timbeau, senior director of the OFCE, and Jean-Marc Vittori, columnist at Les Echos and author of “Ecographique”, Eyrolles, in the show Les Experts, presented by Nicolas Doze on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Friday, August 30, Nicolas Doze received Patrick Artus, Director of Economic Research at Natixis, Xavier Timbeau, Senior Director of OFCE, and Jean-Marc Vittori, columnist at Les Echos and author of “Ecographique” from Eyrolles editions, on the show Les Experts on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Friday, August 30, inflation, linked to the rise in energy prices, and the slowdown in this inflation in Europe and France despite geopolitical conflicts, were discussed by Patrick Artus, Director of Economic Research at Natixis, Xavier Timbeau, Senior Director of OFCE, and Jean-Marc Vittori, columnist at Les Echos and author of “Ecographique”, Eyrolles, in the show Les Experts, presented by Nicolas Doze on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, August 29, France’s 2025 budget, the political uncertainty that reigns in the country, and the CGT demonstration planned for October 1 were discussed by Gaëlle Macke, deputy editorial director of Challenges, Raphaël Legendre, BFM Business columnist, and Robin Rivaton, CEO of Stonal, in the show Les Experts, presented by Nicolas Doze on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, August 29, Nicolas Doze received Gaëlle Macke, deputy editorial director of Challenges, Raphaël Legendre, editorialist BFM Business, and Robin Rivaton, CEO of Stonal, in the show Les Experts on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, August 29, the increase in sales of hybrid vehicles to the detriment of the 100% electric car was discussed by Gaëlle Macke, deputy editorial director of Challenges, Raphaël Legendre, BFM Business columnist, and Robin Rivaton, CEO of Stonal, in the show Les Experts, presented by Nicolas Doze on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Wednesday, August 28, Nicolas Doze welcomed Erwann Tison, lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, Agnès Michel, partner at Ixos Formation, and Frédéric Farah, economist and teacher at the University of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, on the show Les Experts on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.


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