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Politics: The first wishes of the new mayor of

Policy – In , January 9, 2025, Hubert de Jenlisthe new mayor of Amiens, presented his first wishes at the Coliseum. Accompanied byAlain Gestpresident of Amiens Métropole, he shared the main priorities for the year 2025. His objective is to build, with the inhabitants, a more united city adapted to their needs.

A mayor deeply attached to his city

Hubert de Jenlis expressed his pride in being a child of Amiens. Born in the city, he grew up there, raised his family there and still works there today. Former deputy in charge of security, an area that he continues to follow closely, he wishes to act both to improve the daily lives of residents and prepare for the future.

Concrete priorities: security, cleanliness, proximity

The new mayor detailed three main priorities:

  • Security : More cameras will be installed, with a goal of 230 by 2026. Speed ​​controls will be reinforced, and a brigade of urban guards will be created.
  • Cleanliness : Cleaning operations will take place every 15 days in different neighborhoods.
  • Proximity : Meetings with residents will be relaunched, and a mobile application will make it possible to easily report everyday problems.

Sustainable political commitments

During this wish ceremony, Alain Gest recalled the importance of Jules Verne for the image of the city. Amiens wants to take advantage of the notoriety of this world-famous writer to attract international attention.

In addition, Hubert de Jenlis wishes to intensify efforts to protect the natural heritage of Amiens, by implementing initiatives aimed at preserving green spaces and promoting urban biodiversity. It also intends to encourage soft transport, such as cycling and walking, by developing suitable infrastructure to facilitate their daily use. The arrival of TGV in 2026 is seen as a major opportunity to strengthen the economic attractiveness of the city, by facilitating connections with other urban centers and attracting new businesses. Since 2014, Amiens has created 4,000 jobstestifying to a positive economic dynamic that the municipality wishes to continue and amplify in the years to come.


No low emissions zone for Amiens

Unlike other French cities, Amiens has obtained an exemption and will not put in place low emission zone (ZFE)a measure that restricts access to the most polluting vehicles. This decision is based on the observation that the level of air pollution in the city has decreased considerably in recent years thanks to various environmental initiatives and the development of public transport and soft modes of transport. As a result, local authorities believe that the establishment of an EPZ would be unnecessary at this stage, while emphasizing that the city will continue to monitor air quality and take actions to preserve the environment.

Amiens, a city in full swing

In 2025, Amiens continues its evolution with concrete actions for its residents and ambitious projects for the future. Hubert de Jenlis and Alain Gest wish to strengthen the link with the people of Amiens while developing the attractiveness of the city. An important year to prepare for the future of Amiens.

Also read: – Event: The Midnight Before Night festival returns on June 13 and 14
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