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Unemployment rules for seniors will change in 2025, and that's not good news

Unemployment insurance rules in will undergo significant changes from 2025, particularly impacting senior job seekers. These changes, resulting from an agreement between the social partners, aim to adapt the system to changes in the labor market and recent pension reforms. Here is a detailed overview of the main measures that will come into force and their implications for seniors.

Modification of terminals age for compensation

Currently, job seekers aged 53 or 54 benefit from a maximum benefit period of 22.5 months, while those aged 55 and over are entitled to 27 months. From April 1, 2025, these thresholds will be raised by two years: 53 and 54 years: maximum compensation period reduced to 18 months.
55 and 56 years old: maximum compensation of 22.5 months.
57 years and over: right to 27 months of compensation.
This revision aims to align the rules of unemployment insurance with the postponement of the legal retirement age, but it could extend the period without income for certain seniors before accessing retirement.

Postponement of age for maintenance of rights until full retirement

The system allowing senior job seekers to keep their benefits until they obtain a full pension will also be adjusted. The age of entry into this system will be gradually raised from 62 to 64 years, in line with the pension reform. This measure could force some seniors to prolong their job search or accept less suitable positions while waiting to meet the required conditions.

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Monthly payment of allowances a fixed base

Starting April 1, 2025, unemployment benefits will be calculated on a fixed monthly basis of 30 calendar days, regardless of the month. Currently, the amount varies depending on the number of days in the month. This standardization will lead to a slight reduction in compensation received, equivalent to an annual loss of approximately five to six days of compensation.

Relaxation of conditions opening of rights

The eligibility conditions for unemployment insurance will be slightly relaxed. It will be necessary to have worked at least five months in the last 24 months to qualify for rights, compared to six months currently. This measure aims to facilitate access to compensation for workers with discontinuous professional careers, although its impact on seniors remains to be evaluated.


Reduction of employer contributions

Companies will benefit from a reduction in their unemployment contribution, which will fall from 4.05% to 4% of gross salary from May 1, 2025. This measure aims to encourage employment, but it could also reduce the resources available for compensation for job seekers.

Impact on cross-border workers

The compensation rules for cross-border workers will be revised to better reflect their contribution to the French system. The exact terms remain to be specified, but these adjustments could lead to a reduction in benefits for this category of workers.

Implications pour seniors

These reforms, although aimed at adapting the unemployment insurance system to demographic and economic developments, risk penalizing senior job seekers. Reducing the duration of compensation and extending the age for maintaining rights until full retirement could increase the precariousness of this age group, already facing specific difficulties in the labor market. . The changes planned for 2025 in the rules of unemployment insurance in France introduce significant adjustments, particularly for seniors. It is essential for the people concerned to keep themselves informed of these developments in order to anticipate their impact and adapt their actions accordingly.


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