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Review and cake at the Golden Age club

Saint-Geneys-près-Saint-Paulien. Review and cake at the Age d’Or club. Wednesday, January 8, the general meeting of the Golden Age of Generations Movement of Rural Elders club took place in the Espace Fernand-Quintin room.

In the presence of around thirty members, President François Anglade opened the session with a moment of contemplation for Jean-Claude Filère and Jojo Varenne, who died in 2024. He then gave a satisfactory assessment of the success of the senior gym activity. , thanking the municipality for the loan of the room before welcoming the arrival of two new members. Secretary Yvonne Masse and treasurer Dany Bonnevialle discussed the events held in 2024 (general assembly and cake in January, friendship meeting in April, participation in the anniversary of the federation in Saint-Germain-Laprade in June and day at Céaux-d’Allègre in August). They also gave some information on upcoming gatherings (friendly meal and cabaret outing).

The tasting of the cake continued in a good atmosphere around the tables well stocked with treats before taking out the cards and the various games.

Meeting. The next one will take place on February 5.


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