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“I was overwhelmed”: thanks to the mobilization of the plane crew, she managed to find her mother before she died

the essential
Last October, Hannah White learned that her mother was suffering from septic shock and that she didn’t have much time left to live. Thanks to the mobilization of several passengers and crew members, the American was able to see her mother before she died.

It’s a bit like a touch of color in a dark picture to say the least. Hannah White, an American citizen who lives in North Dakota (United States) will long remember this October day, during which she almost did not get to say goodbye to her mother, before she deceased. As told by our colleagues from CNNthe mother – who lives in Minnesota, several hundred kilometers from her daughter – suffered from pneumonia which suddenly turned into septic shock. Doctors no longer gave him much time to live.

Hannah White therefore decides to jump on the first plane to join her mother. However, she must wait until the next day to take a first flight which will take her first to Dallas. Unfortunately, information provided by the airline – Delta Airlines – indicates that the flight will be delayed somewhat due to a technical problem. The American then says she is desperate, saying that she only has an hour to get her connection, a second flight that will take her to Minneapolis.

“I was worried that my mother”

She then mentioned her problem to the flight attendant: “I was worried about my mother being alone and the flight attendant apologized,” the young woman told CNN. She shed a few tears with me and gave me some tissues.” It didn’t take long for the crew to mobilize. The flight attendant informs the co-pilot of the situation. He then asks the crew of the second flight if it is possible to wait several minutes so that Hannah White can make her connection in complete peace of mind. The passengers on the flight to Minneapolis were questioned about this: all agreed to wait for the passenger.


“They couldn’t even imagine how grateful I am to them,” says Hannah White in a video shared on TikTok and viewed more than 10 million times. “They were kind to me on the worst day of my life.” The young woman says she was able to see her mother again who ultimately died the next day. “It’s not just one person who made a gesture but it’s a whole bunch of people who made this possible,” thanks the person concerned.



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