Thomas Rideau
Published on
Jan 9, 2025 at 7:56 a.m.
Will the project generate as much enthusiasm among the population as its supporters? Verso Energy and its representatives were in Rouen (Seine-Maritime), this Wednesday January 8, 2025 to talk about Dézir.
Dézir, a – somewhat – convoluted contraction of “Decarbonization in Seine-Eure and the Rouen Industrial Zone”. We have already presented to you this colossal investment which amounts to 1.3 billion euros.
When will Dézir open?
Dézir aims to produce synthetic fuel, named e-saffor planes. This will be created from the capture of “biogenic CO2”, from the biomass boiler of the BEA paper mill, located in Alizay, and by electrolysis of water from the Seine. “We are replacing fossil fuels,” summarizes Antoine Huard, the general director of Verso.
Greener, more virtuous… For Verso, the challenge is to comply with European legislation which predicts that the rate of e-saf in the fuel used by aircraft will reach 35% in 2050. If everything goes as the project leaders hope, this new factory should open at the end of 2029.
Where will this new factory be located?
It must be built in Petit-Couronne between DRPC, in other words “Dépôt Rouen”, the fuel storage specialist, and the D13. An area of 15 hectares which owes nothing to chance. Indeed, Verso representatives hope to finalize an agreement with DRPC for the latter to store their synthetic fuel.
The stakes are high. Because, thanks to this detail, Verso will not store the fuel produced and will therefore not be labeled “Seveso”. What if the two sides can’t reach an agreement? “We’ll find it elsewhere.” What is certain is that there will be no storage in the factory,” indicates the general director.
As for the connection for CO2 with the Alizay biomass boiler, a pipeline of around ten kilometers will be built underground.
How many jobs created?
This is a godsend, as reported Joel Bigotthe mayor of the town. After the failure, for political reasons, of the implementation of Amazon warehousea new opportunity to create employment is therefore arriving in his city.
If there are fewer jobs at stake, the project seems very virtuous. Verso assures that the factory will create 250 direct and indirect jobs in its operating phase and around 800 in its construction phase.
When the start-up is complete, the factory must produce 81,000 tonnes of this synthetic fuel. This will be transported by a pipeline souterrain directly to Roissy and Orly airports. Note that these pipelines, which are called LHP (for Le Havre – Paris) already exist.
“It’s an issue of energy sovereignty,” says Antoine Huard. “Of the 400 projects of this type in the world, only 6% are in Europe. » Verso is currently carrying out three other similar projects, near Mont-de-Marsan, Épinal and Limoges. “But the Rouen project is the most advanced. He’s about a year ahead of the others. »
Only private money
And what about financing? This is perhaps the discreet tour de force of the project. “No public funding to date,” assure those responsible. Part of it is based on equity, but the vast majority of the investment is made thanks to private investors.
“European regulations are written in stone. There is no concern about the request. But more on the offer. » Because inevitably, a ton of e-saf will be sold much more expensive than a ton of standard kerosene. With a margin of what order? We don’t know yet. But here are two arguments that can feed some people’s appetites!
For those responsible, this project must “necessarily bring together” all citizens. “It’s an issue of reindustrialization and ecology,” summarizes Antoine Huard. Especially since the factory should not generate any road traffic (everything goes through pipelines) and will not make any noise or create any odors, according to officials.
A phase of “industrial utopia”?
“We are in a position of distrust today,” simply notes Guillaume Hédouin near 76actu. The representative of the environmental group in the Normandy region welcomes the efforts made by manufacturers, but slips all the same, “we are artificially greening air transport when we should be reducing it”, and to tackle a “phase of industrial utopia and opportunistic. Note that the elected officials present at this meeting, the mayors of Alizay and Petit-Couronne, applauded the project and that Bernard Leroy, president of the Seine-Eure agglomeration community, recalled that the “disruptive projects” can sometimes create “sticking points” while praising Verso’s plan.
A preliminary consultation begins on January 13 in all the municipalities affected by the project. This will be followed by a public inquiry. Verso hopes to break ground on this 1.3 billion euro factory next year.
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