On her TikTok account (named Cherdallas), an American flight attendant regularly shares her daily life and her advice for traveling peacefully. This is how in a video, she gave a rant. The young woman decided to alert Internet users to several habits of airplane passengers who have no place on a commercial flight. She particularly mentioned travelers who decide to take off their shoes during the journey, to be more comfortable, and particularly pointed out those who, in addition to taking off their shoes, remove their socks or simply do not wear them. not. “I see this all the time and it should be against the law. In general, I really don’t want to see your bare feet. Wear shoes or socks,” she explained on the social network. But there is one thing even worse, according to her, that travelers should stop doing immediately.
Annoyed by these passengers who remain barefoot during the flight, the flight attendant highlighted another of their habits that she considers completely repugnant. While bad smells or the repulsive sight of toes may be obvious reasons, there is another that concerns hygiene: going barefoot to the plane toilets. As reported by our colleagues from the Demotivateur site, quoting the American doctor specializing in infectious diseases, Dahlia Philips: “Walking barefoot exposes your feet to bacteria, viruses and (…)
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