10 years of Netflix in France: the recipes for success
DayFR Euro

10 years of Netflix in France: the recipes for success

This September 15, 2024 marks the tenth anniversary of the launch of Netflix in France. If since its beginnings, the market and the consumption of streaming have largely evolved, Netflix has managed to adapt its strategies to remain the leader.

This statistic is enough to make you smile today. Two months before Netflix arrived in France in 2014, 76% of French people were not aware of the platform, according to a Médiamétrie survey. “Initially, we were counting largely on the younger generation who had heard about it”says Anne-Gabrielle Dauba-Pantanacce, director of communications for Netflix France. Ten years later, the situation has changed significantly. Twelve million French people subscribe to the streaming service, compared to 9 million subscribers for Prime Video (Amazon). Netflix thus appears to be the leading platform, and by far.

“Our main competitor is sleep,” declared in 2022 Reed Hastings, the boss of Netflix. Or rather Prime Video, Max (HBO) or even Paramount. Especially since in 2022, the platform lost more than a million subscribers worldwide. So the platform decided to put an end to code sharing between households and launch a cheaper offer with advertising: 5.99 euros per month in exchange for 4 minutes of advertising per video.

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The bet worked since in France 1.5 million subscribers pay for the offer with advertising, proposed in the wake of Prime Video and Disney+. “On the one hand, it was difficult for Netflix to gain new subscribers. On the other hand, the substantial base we had represented an interesting volume for brands »explains Philippe Bailly, president of NPA Conseil.

The advantage of French creation

“The challenge now is loyalty,” decrypts Philippe Bailly. To achieve this, Netflix is ​​banking on creation. And France is in a good position. “We invest 250 million euros per year in French creation, or between 20 and 25 projects each year”says Anne-Gabrielle Dauba-Pantanacce. And the secret lies in addressing all audiences, since on average a user watches six different genres per month […]

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- challenges.fr

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