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Theses of the month: “Avoid, reduce, contribute: carbon finance hunts down greenwashing”

To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is joining forces with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Engineering Sciences (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses linked to our monthly file in order to allow you to delve further into the themes developed in the file.

For our December report, “Avoid, reduce, contribute: carbon finance hunts down greenwashing”, here are the theses selected by REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses of previous months on our partner’s website.

Distributive aspects of climate policies
Marie Young-Brun
Doctorate in Economic Sciences, defended on 09/18/2023
Sorbonne Economics Center

Environmental tax and financial law in support of public action
Remy Dufal
Doctorate in Public Law, defended on 11/12/2023
Environment, city, society

The use of tax law mechanisms in the control of air pollution
Vladimir Marchenko
Doctorate in Public Law, defended on 09/20/2023
Georges Vedel Doctoral School Internal public law, administrative science and political science

The deployment of carbon markets around the world since Kyoto: between typification of market tools and global fragmentation
Roman Rafael
Doctorate in Economic Sciences, defended on 01/13/2023
Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Study of Politics – Hannah Arendt

Essays on Carbon Pricing and Markets
Karishma Ansaram Kooshna
Doctorate in Economic Sciences, defended on 07/03/2023
Economy Management

Trade or cheat? The politically embedded opportunity structure for violators in the commodification of carbon permits
Wei-Ting Chao
Doctorate in Political Science, defended on 01/30/2023
Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics

Communication issues for the establishment of a carbon neutrality approach: the case of the Department of .
Eloise Vanderlinden
Doctorate in Information and Communication Sciences, defended on 5/11/2023
Mediation, Information, Communication,

CO2 emissions estimated by satellite data on cities with high population growth
Alexandre Danjou
Doctorate in instrumentation, defended on 13/12/2022
Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory

Bringing together climate policies and atmospheric observations: Projection of CO2 mitigation strategies in urban areas at high spatial resolution
Yvonne Albarus
Doctorate in Geosciences, defended on 06/05/2024
Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory

Cooperative game theory models for allocation problems applied to the distribution of CO2 emission permits
King Trabelsi
Doctorate in Computer Science, defended on 01/11/2022
Systems analysis and modeling laboratory for decision support



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