This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press
Today Wednesday, at the prefectural headquarters of the Assa-Zag region, equipment and supplies intended for income-generating projects allocated by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Reintegration of Prisoners were distributed for the benefit of 83 former prisoners of penitentiary establishments belonging to the territory. influence of the Assa-Zag region, with the support of the National Initiative for Human Development.
These projects, the delivery of which was supervised by the governor of the Assa Al-Zag region, Youssef Khair, in the presence of the regional coordinator of the Support and Reintegration Center, affiliated with the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of prisoners , heads of external services, departments and elected officials, are part of the partnership agreement which brings together the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Reintegration of Prisoners and the Regional Commission for Human Development.
These projects, for which financial coverage of around 3 million dirhams has been allocated, aim to help these people to integrate socio-economically, and to enable them to undertake income-generating projects which would contribute to improving their conditions. of life and those of their loved ones. families.
These projects concern the fields of crafts (construction, automobile mechanics, plastering, building electricity, welding, sewing, butchery), services (libraries, children’s toys, festive catering), catering (preparation of quick meals ) and agricultural areas, mainly concerned with livestock breeding, where livestock were distributed to 13 beneficiaries.
The regional coordinator of the Agadir Support and Reintegration Center, Hicham Bonichan, indicated in a statement to the Arab Maghreb Press Agency that the dissemination of these income-generating projects for the benefit of former detainees aims to reintegrate this group in the economic and social world. fabric, adding that these 83 beneficiaries benefited from equipment and machines for income-generating projects in the territorial jurisdiction of the region.
For his part, Mohamed Al-Tilmisani, from the Department of Social Work of the Province of Assa Al-Zag, confirmed that the process of distribution of this equipment is part of the implementation of the agreement of partnership between the Regional Human Development Commission and the Mohammed VI Authority. Foundation for the Reintegration of Prisoners, adding that this process aims to create income-generating activities and offer employment opportunities to these young people and their reintegration into society.
In similar statements, a number of former prisoners who benefited from this process expressed their satisfaction with this humanitarian initiative, adding that these projects will help them access the world of work, provide them with a stable income and integrate them into the market. of work.
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