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The future of continuing education seen by an AI

Sophie Huber Kodbaye

director of the Center for continuing and distance learning at the University of Geneva

Published on December 14, 2024 at 7:58 p.m. / Modified on December 14, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

2 mins. reading

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There has been so much talk about AI for almost two years that I looked for one to talk to regularly. Claude*, an AI created by Anthropic, was introduced to me during online continuing education. Since then, I have consulted her regularly, both to test her new abilities and to feed my curiosity. It was during such a conversation with Claude that this column was written.

Claude had proposed to me four plausible scenarios for continuing education between now and 2034 and the discussion continued around the scenario predicting significant transformations in the sector in connection with all the transitions underway at the moment, demographic, digital and environmental, among others.

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