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Federal negotiations: a wind of optimism blows over Arizona


It is imperative that this government be in place before the end of the year.

“It is imperative that this government be in place before the end of the year if we want the reforms to be able to fully produce their effects”declared the president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez, Monday noon. Faced with the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the economic crisis in Germany and the uncertainties linked to the political transition in the United States with the return of Donald Trump to the White House, there is no time to lose, estimated the French-speaking liberal.

Three versions of budget tables

The main negotiators discussed the budget tables submitted by trainer Bart De Wever (president of the N-VA) throughout the night from Sunday to Monday. First in plenary meeting, then in two fairly long rounds of bilateral meetings (between the trainer and each party), and again in plenary. Three versions of the budget tables were presented, according to our information. “Each version is more acceptable to one or the other party”they say. Around 5 a.m., they decided to end the meeting without agreement, “but without clash or crisis”.

Federal negotiations: for the moment, Bart De Wever’s strategy is working

It seems to be Vooruit – “the most vocal party at the table”according to the representative of another party – and the CD&V, to a lesser extent, who express the most reservations about the content of the planned reforms. They asked that the pensions, taxation and labor market files be the subject of separate working groups to ensure, among other things, that the proposed measures are in line with the budgetary tables and to take the time to study their concrete consequences.

Let’s move forward prudently

“The negotiations are progressing. We are still looking for the balance pointcomments Vooruit, who is not yet talking about the prospect of an agreement. Reforms must be realistic and socially acceptable.”

The prevarications of the Flemish socialists had almost derailed the negotiations for the constitution of an Arizona majority. In the opinion of other parties, however, “Vooruit is now very much on board, negotiating with the goal of arriving at an Arizona. And the MR too”we slip, while the liberals would not have taken a dim view of the replacement of Vooruit by the Open VLD.

After a day’s break, negotiations resume this Tuesday at 10 a.m. On the menu: defense, foreign affairs and equal opportunities. The pensions, taxation and labor market working groups are expected to be held later in the week. Before a new global negotiation during the weekend.


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