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Great news for more than a million retirees in France! The funds are planning an exceptional revaluation in their favor. This measure aims to help the most modest seniors in the face of galloping inflation. So, when and how much will they receive?

A hard blow for the most vulnerable retirees

The revaluation of small pensions is slow to materialize for its first beneficiaries. Initially planned for last spring, theincrease in the minimum contribution (Mico) is encountering technical and file processing difficulties.

However, nearly a million retirees are waiting for this revaluation. This was supposed to allow them to see their purchasing power improve in the face of rising inflation. The increase in the Mico is set at 1,128.12 euros per month in 2023. Its increased amount was thus intended to guarantee seniors a decent minimum income.

However, processing files is proving more laborious than expected for the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav). The complexity of the careers of certain retirees explains this delay. This is particularly the case of those who have contributed to several schemesThe large number of files to be processed also represents a factor in this delay.

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In fact, the reconstitution of each professional career requires careful work for the Cnav services. Despite these difficulties, the organization ensures that all retirees concerned will receive the planned increase.

No loss of rights, but a prolonged wait

According to the Droit-finances website, “ only 600,000 retirees out of the 1.7 million concerned » saw their monthly pension increase last September. This, ” with an average increase of €50 gross per month “. The others, more than a million people, will still have to wait several months before receiving this valuable aid.

According to Renaud Villard, general director of Cnav, the regularization of pending files “ will not take place before September 2024 “. As a result of this new postponement, the revaluation will not take place before the end of summer for the 1.1 million retirees concerned.

They will therefore have to wait until September to benefit from this support measure. However, the Cnav assures that this delay does not imply any loss of rights for the retirees concerned. Once their file has been regularizedthey will receive all the monthly increases they should have benefited from since September 2023.

This situation is causing concern and irritation among pensioners’ associations. They are denouncing a lack of responsiveness and unacceptable delays for often vulnerable populations! They are therefore calling for long-term solutions for ensure faster access to these support measures.

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How much will retirees receive in September?

The delay in payment of the increase in small pensions is regrettable for the beneficiaries. However, a substantial retroactive payment should compensate for the wait. In addition to the usual monthly increase from September, seniors benefit froma catch-up for the months since September 2023.

According to the general director of Cnav, the average increase for pending files could reach up to 60 € per month. This means that, for some retirees, the cumulative amount could rise to more than 700 €. A significant boost for these modest seniors, whose purchasing power has been weakened by growing inflation!


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